Researchers predict that the mysterious Dark Energy Reza is located in the vast ocean of geoids between galaxies.

Researchers predict that the mysterious Dark Energy Reza is located in the vast ocean of geoids between galaxies.
Distribute luminous matter

The view of GODE does not change the standard structure of the structure in the universe. The universe moves from left to right. The blue areas are according to the material. GEODEs form in green areas and migrate to black areas. Credit: Volker Springle and Max Planck – Institute for Astrophysics

Astronomers have known for two decades that the universe is expanding rapidly, but the physics of this expansion remain a mystery. Now, a team of researchers at the University of Hawaii at Manno has predicted a novel – the wind energy responsible for this rapid growth will come from a vast ocean of compact objects scattered between galaxies. This conclusion is part of a new study that was published Astrophysical Journal.

In the mid-1960s, physicists first suggested that stellar collapse should not be a true black hole, but rather a generic genetic projectile (GEODs) of dark energy. Unlike black holes, GEODIS does not ‘break’ Einstein’s singular equations. Instead, a spinning layer surrounds a group of dark of will. From the outside, GEOD and black holes look mostly the same, even when the “sounds” of their collisions are measured by gravitational wave monitors.

Because GEODS mimicked black holes, it was assumed that they moved into space in the same way as black holes. Kevin Crocker, co-author of the study and co-author of UH Monoa Physics and Astronomy Research, said: “This becomes a problem if you want to talk about the rapidly expanding universe. “Although we have proven over the last year that GEODs can, in principle, provide the necessary darkness, you need a lot of older and larger GEODs. If they moved like black holes, living close to visible matter, galaxies would be our own. Galaxy Would have been damaged. ”

Crocker met with Jack Runberg, a physics and astronomy graduate student at the UH Monoa Department, and Duncan Farrah, a faculty member at the UH Institute for Astronomy and the Department of Astronomy, to investigate how GEO works. The researchers found that the spinning layer around each GEODE determines how they compete with each other. If their outer layers rotate slowly, the GEOs rotate faster than black holes. This is because geodes in themselves derive mass from the growth of the universe. For layered GEODEs that propagate close to the speed of light, however, the gain in mass is overwhelmed by a different effect and the GEODs begin to chase each other. “The reliance on spin was really quite sudden,” said Farah. “If confirmed by inspection, this would be a brand new category of phenomenon.”

The team solved Einstein’s equations under the assumption that many old stars, which were born when the universe was less than 2 percent of their current age, formed the GOED when they died. As these ancient geodes fed more stars and abundant intercellular gas, they began to rotate very rapidly. Once rapidly evolving, the interplay between GEODs has transformed many of them into areas of “social distance” that will eventually become empty voices between modern galaxies.

This study supports the position that GEODS can solve the problem of dark energy relays while living according to different observations across large distances. Geoids live far away from today’s galaxies, so they do not break the delicate star pairs counted in the sky. The number of ancient GEODs needed to solve the problem of dark energy is equal to the number of old stars. GeoDX does not interfere with the measurement of galaxies in space as they separate from luminous matter before they form modern galaxies. Finally, Geodesy directly. Do not affect the gentle waves in the background The Big Bang, Because they were born from dead stars hundreds of millions of years after the release of radiation from the background of the universe.

Researchers were cautiously optimistic about their results. “It was thought without any direct identification with Kerr [Black Hole] Signed by LIGO-Viergo [gravitational wave observatories]”You will never be able to tell that GEODs exist,” said Farrah. Crocker added, “But now that we have a clear understanding of how Einstein’s equations connect the big and the small, we are able to interact with the data of many lesser communities, and the picture is becoming more consistent. . “

According to Runberg, whose main interest in research is GEDDS. “The most interesting conclusion for me is that there is a common ground between groups that first interact with researchers. When different communities work together, there is always something bigger than the sum of the parts. ”

Reference: “The effects of equality and pressure in the Friedman universe. III. Point sources of dark energy that tend to be consistent ”KS Crocker, J. By Runberg and D. Farrah, 1 September 2020, Astrophysical Journal.
DOI: 10.3847 / 1538-4357 / abad2f

About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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