Huge looms in Jupiter magnificent Hubble image – Spaceflight now

The Hubble Space Telescope captured this view of Jupiter and its icy moon Europa on August 25. Credit: NASA, ESA, A. Simon (Goddard Space Flight Center), and MH Wong (University of California, Berkeley) and the OPL team

The Hubble Space Telescope orbited the giant planet and its icy moon Europa last month, orbiting more than 400 million miles from Earth.

These images show a new storm on Jupiter, giving scientists a sense of the ever-changing climate of the gas giant. Running around the planet at a speed of 350 miles per hour (560 kilometers) per hour, the latest Hurricane Hubble is located in the upper left of Jupiter in the view.

The storm appeared on August 18, a week before Hubble’s Jupiter sighting. Two more storms later appeared at the same latitude.

Jupiter was located 406 million miles (653 million kilometers) from Earth when the Hubble Space Telescope observed the planet. A joint project between Hubble, NASA and the European Space Agency, according to NASA, takes photos of the solar system’s outer planets each year to detect changes in their storms, winds and clouds.

Hubble’s August 25 observation period was perfect for studying Jupiter’s new storm system. NASA said that storms usually form every six years in a single latitudinal band on Jupiter.

Observation of a multi-wavelength measurement in Jupiter’s ultraviolet / visible / near-infrared light, obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope on August 25, is giving researchers a whole new view of the giant planet. In this photo, parts of Jupiter’s atmosphere that are at high altitudes, especially above the poles, appear red as a result of atmospheric particles that absorb ultraviolet light. In contrast, blue-haved areas represent the Earth’s ultraviolet light. Credit: NASA, ESA, A. Simon (Goddard Space Flight Center), and MH Wong (University of California, Berkeley) and the OPL team

In a release released with images, NASA said, “The objects behind the plum are small, round objects with complex” red, white and blue “colors. Hubble’s ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared light With pictures, “NASA said in a statement issued with the pictures. “Such features are particularly prevalent on Mercury, leaving only a change in the colors of the clouds and the speed of the winds, but a similar storm on Saturday triggered a long cycle.

NASA said, “Differences in the after-effects of Earth and Saturn storms may be related to the storage of water in their atmosphere, as the energy stored in the water vapor can control the huge amount of energy that these storms erupt.” Can be released with. ”

Jupiter’s famous Great Red Spot is also clearly visible in Hubble’s latest pictures. The cyclone has spread over 9,800 miles (15,800 kilometers), which is large enough to fit underground, but it has been shrinking steadily since 1930, according to NASA.

Scientists do not know why the Great Red Spot is shrinking.

A fellow hurricane just south of the Great Red Spot is also showing some changes in Hubble’s latest surveillance. A small cyclone named Oval B.A. Or Red Spot Jr., appeared red when it landed on the planet in 2006. But later it turned white.

Oval B.A. The feature now looks dark, according to NASA.

“This could indicate that Red Spot Junior is once again on the way to changing colors like his cousin,” NASA said.

“Hubble’s image shows Jupiter clearing a white cloud of its height, especially along the planet’s equator, where an orange hydrocarbon smog is wrapped around it,” Nabel said.

Europa, one of Jupiter’s four largest moons, has been visible to the left of the planet in Hubble observations since August 25. Europa’s global ice globe covers a submerged ocean that can harbor elements for life.

NASA’s Juno mission is currently traveling to a planet studying the atmosphere and internal structure of the gas giant.

Two other robotic missions, Jupiter, are currently under development. NASA’s Europa Clipper mission is scheduled to launch in 2024 for repeated frequent flights to Europe, while ESA’s Juice Space War is being prepared for Jupiter in 2022 and will eventually be the largest in the solar system. The big moon is orbiting Ganymede.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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