Before Lucifer, Tom Ellis appeared in an iconic series, but fans forgot

Observatório do Cinema

Lucifer is one of Netflix’s most popular series. After being canceled by Fox, the production won a new chance on stage and launched a stunning fourth season with major developments in the plot.

In 2020, Netflix left fans eager to premiere the first half of the fifth season of Lucifer, which came out on August 21. The platform pushed forward expectations for the series’ renewal and yet another wave of episodes.

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Originally, the series would end in the fifth season, but Netflix signed a new contract with Tom Ellis and secured another year.

Many fans don’t know, but Tom Ellis starred in another iconic production before starring in Lucifer; Check it out below!

Before receiving his role as the protagonist of Lucifer, Tom Ellis participated in several TV series to bolster his career in Hollywood.

The actor stood out to appear in a predominantly British series, before returning to his talent in the United States. In 2007, the star made a special appearance in an episode of the iconic Doctor Who series.

Before being cast in Doctor Who, Ellis was already well known for her performance in 29 episodes of the soap opera EastEnders.

Ellis appeared in just one episode of Doctor Who, the last of the 13th season, “Last of the Time Lords”.

In the famous British series, Tom Ellis played the role of a doctor named Thomas Milligan, who assists the character Martha Jones, played by Frema Eggman. See an image below!

From Doctor Who to Lucifer, this star managed to win countless fans all over the world.

Fans of the series can celebrate, as Lucifer has been renewed for the sixth (and final!) Season. Originally, the series would end in its fifth year, but Netflix decided to increase the number of episodes to create a satisfying conclusion for fans.

In a recent interview, Starr talked about expectations for the series’ ending and thanked fans for their support over the years.

“Producing six seasons in a series is a real trophy. It was a very exciting journey, but I think it is time to get to the end. I know we are finishing the series because we had great experiences and that is why we have to give the fans a good ending ”, commented the star.

Lucifer is available on Netflix.

About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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