This is one of the best fake GTA VI trailers • Eurogamer – Games review, news and more

This is one of the best fake GTA VI trailers • Eurogamer – Games review, news and more

Welcome to Vice City.

GTA fans are so sick of waiting for GTA VI that they spend their free time creating fake trailers for the next game in the series.

Within this category of fake trailers – you can easily find many on YouTube – there was one that was recently published that caught our attention for its quality. West Highland Productions Channel’s trailer “Grand Theft Auto VI: Welcome Back to Vice City” easily deceives anyone.

It is very clear in the description that this is an unofficial trailer, it is not an attempt to deceive fans. The channel used several different videos to create this great version, including the mods that set up the GTA V gameplay, and one of the early scenes of GTA Vice City.

GTA fans have been longing for news of the next game in the series. It will be eight years since GTA V was originally released in September 2021. There has never been much difference between games in the GTA series.

While there are no official details, fans are confident that the next GTA will return to Vice City.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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