Watch SpaceX fly its Starship spacecraft during its first high-altitude test live – TechCrunch

Watch SpaceX fly its Starship spacecraft during its first high-altitude test live - TechCrunch

SpaceX First for the astronaut prototype design – all ready to test the high-altitude of its Starship rocket. The test will see Starship Serial No. 8 (SN8) take off from SpaceX’s development site in Cameroon County, Texas, at an altitude of about 41,000 feet, and then land during controlled landings using its Raptor engines. And will return if all goes well. Planning. Alan Musk, CEO of SpaceX, notes that things will probably not go as planned for the test, saying he hopes they will probably get it. 1/3 of your goal With this effort.

This is the first time Starship has flown on board with three Raptor engines – just one of the smaller hop tests of previously used prototypes. It will also include a significant move that will require the starship to return safely through the Earth’s atmosphere when it finally lands to achieve its reusability goal – a half-winded lydd flops it properly or correctly. To carry. During re-admission.

SpaceX has flown Starship prototypes at altitudes of just under 500 feet, and both have landed successfully with controlled landings. This effort will also include trying to relax the starship’s engines and bring it back to Earth in a vertical position, but they are less likely to succeed in this stage vs. earlier stage goals only reach that height and Then ideally fulfill him. The ‘ly flop’ trick. Conducting such tests with a low probability of successful results is exactly the same for the course of rocket development programs, but SpaceX is one of the few companies to offer them in the open – and perhaps the only one with a live broadcast Does so. All

Ultimately, Starship will prove to be the centerpiece of the new generation launch vehicle that SpaceX hopes to use to reach Mars – and to replace all of its current launch activities with it. Falcon To provide high-altitude point-to-point flights between destinations on Earth for vehicles, as well as high-speed travel. Production Starship will be paired with super heavy rockets to add extra emphasis to high-end cargo missions and long-distance deep space travel.

The test launch could take place anytime today between 9am EST (6am PST) and 6am EST (3pm PST), and SpaceX says it will begin live broadcast shortly before the actual launch attempt. So stay tuned to the video above and our Twitter account for updates.

About the author: Seth Grace

"Social media trailblazer. Music junkie. Evil student. Introvert. Typical beer fan. Extreme web ninja. Tv fanatic. Total travel evangelist. Zombie guru."

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