What to expect from the start of the Biden government – Economy

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Inauguration of new president of Us, Joe Biden, Coming this Wednesday, marks the turning point of a turbulent period in domestic politics in the country and relations with the rest of the world.

The last four years have been dominated by polarization. The antagonist has been eliminated. Biden’s main proposal is to unify and revive the traditional values ​​of the United States. Whether he is served or not should be investigated because his government is running. More flexibility is also required in the immigration policy, which is in term Like, Was marked by the construction of the wall along the border with Mexico.

This past Thursday, Biden, still in the presidential-election position, Announced a “basket” of stimuli for the economy’s recovery, on the order of US $ 1.9 trillion, Or about 9% of US GDP. It is essentially an aid package, which provides immediate assistance to the most needy, increasing the epidemic of one hour, when the United States should soon count 400 thousand deaths.

Investments for infrastructure works promised during the election campaign are not yet scheduled. They are of particular importance in the context of the conservative culture of the United States, strongly marked by the principle that each should take care of and provide for itself. And for the same reason, it is used to distrust policies even in times of crisis and unemployment. Thus, it expects strong resistance from more conservative congressmen, who focus on the Republican Party for full acceptance of the plan, at a time when they also have to decide which side in the presidential impeachment motion. Standing, which leaves the White House Oval Office in Washington.

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Trump was doubly defeated: in the ballot box and in the conduct adopted during his government. But even his definitive departure from politics, if approved (by impeachment), does not guarantee disarmament of his broad support base. Despite these four years, no fewer than 74 million Americans voted for him and, thus, expressed his agreement with the populist, xenophobic and anti-democratic policy. As we have seen, in front of nearly half the population of the United States, there are groups led by angry extremists, such as the one seen in the January 6 invasion of the Capitol.

Biden’s first move in international politics is also likely to be largely reconciled. He has already refused to continue with Trump’s unilateral policy, marked by a breakdown with multilateral organizations, such as World trade organization (OMC), A. World Health Organization (OMS) eagle United Nations organisation (United Nations). It will more carefully counter China’s global hegemony and move towards the enemies of the hour, such as Russia Of Putin, O Will Ayatollah, North Korea Of Kim Jong Un this is Islamic state.

The Brazilian government is not well in the photo. But retaliation is not expected for President Bolsonaro’s unconditional support for President Trump’s policy. But the relationship between the two countries should be governed less by personal relations and more by institutional relations from state to state.

But Biden cannot wait for a period of grace, a hundred-day truss that is usually characteristic of the beginning of government. The new policy has been fiercely challenged since its inception, inside and outside the United States. His adversaries pretend to know as soon as possible how far they can go and how much political withdrawal the new government will have.

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* CELSO MING is an economic zone

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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