So Paulo announces equipment for Refis and the creation of a new medical division with remarkable

So Paulo announces equipment for Refis and the creation of a new medical division with remarkable

So Paulo acknowledged that it has closed over time in some of its areas and suffers from a faulty structure in the physical and medical fields. However, the good news was announced during the Tiranga Board of Directors meeting on this Saturday. The club got four new equipment for the refis free of cost.

The initiative was taken by physiologist Turíbio Leite de Barros, who worked in the tricolor for more than two decades. The professional was also felicitated during the deliberative council meeting.

President Julio Casares said, “Turibio has awarded us with the latest equipment. It is So Paulo that serves So Paulo.”

“We are going to move forward not only in Refis, but in the center of science and high performance. In December, So Paulo will implement this development. We are facing a serious financial crisis. We all this with partnership, With the improvements are doing more development”, he said.

So Paulo also announced that it will implement the creation of the Average Excellence Division (DEM). The idea is to coordinate the various activities of the club, especially the entire medical field of football. In this new department there will be a group of notable people, including Turribio himself, who is currently working in a company in the United States, with the presence of So Paulo specialists in various medical fields.

“We are going to make So Paulo stand above other clubs, I have no doubt about it. This is where we deserve and it is where we need to be,” Turribio warned.

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About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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