Federal government measures strengthen public social assistance policies and bring Brazil to the fore in tourism — Portugus (Brasil)

Economy Minister defends remuneration for countries that protect forests - Portuguese (Brazil)

The week of January 9 to 15 was marked by actions of the federal government, such as expanding the number of families served by the Oxilio Brasil program, which eliminated the waiting list of eligible beneficiaries in 2021. Another measure was to make credit available to artisanal fishermen and to allocate resources to people in cities affected by heavy rains in Bahia and Minas Gerais.

President Jair Bolsonaro visited the Northern Territory, where he announced high-speed fiber-optic Internet for residents of the cities of Amapá (AP) and Para (AP).

Know more:

Aid Brazil reaches 17.5 million eligible families

The Oxilio Brasil program added three million new families to the payroll this January and zeroed out the eligible line in 2021, serving a total of 17.5 million households. This is the largest number of beneficiaries in the history of cash transfer programs. Each family will receive a minimum transfer of R$400. The federal government’s total investment for the program exceeds R$7.1 billion.

Admission, selection of families and awarding of Auxílio Brasil benefits happens automatically every month. The selection is made taking into account the estimates of poverty, the number of households serving in each municipality, and the budgetary limit of the programme. For a family to be eligible, it is still necessary to have updated data in the federal government’s Single Registry within the past 24 months.

Federal government releases more resources for rain-hit cities in Minas

This week, the amount, guaranteed by the federal government through the Ministry of Regional Development, rose to $48.6 million to serve the rain-hit Minas Gerais cities that have hit the state since November last year. The amount was reached on Tuesday (11) with authorized transfers in three more Minas Gerais cities, with a total of 33 municipalities in the state receiving aid from federal resources.

Since November last year, the federal government has taken a number of actions aimed at the areas most affected by rain, including mobilizing Disaster Assistance Group (GED) teams; Expression with the bodies of the National Civil Defense and Security System (SYNPDEC) for immediate assistance to the affected population; expression with municipal and state civil defense; and conduct a joint operation with federal agencies to assist the affected areas.

Artisan fishermen will have a line of credit with interest starting from 3% p.a.

On Wednesday (12/01), with the presence of the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, a new credit line was launched for artisanal fishermen involved in the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (PRONAF). Loans can be directed towards investment or financing for fishing activities. It aims to contribute to the development of the economy in areas close to the coast, rivers and lakes.

The line of credit is operated by Caixa Economica Federal. Artisan fishermen will have access to financing at an interest rate of 3% per annum. The payout period is up to 12 months in the case of financing a fishing activity and up to 120 months for those holding funds for investment.

In terms of funding, it is possible to rent up to R $ 250 thousand and the resource can be used for fishing expenses and the preservation of ships and equipment. For investment, fishermen can finance up to $200,000 to acquire and refurbish machinery and equipment, and to build or expand improvements.

Trade balance opens 2022 with surplus

Brazil had a surplus of US$ 1.45 billion in the trade balance in the first week of January. The equilibrium is positive when the country exports more than it imports. The surplus results in US$ 5.84 billion in exports and US$ 4.40 billion in imports. The result was released on Monday (10/01) by the Foreign Trade Secretariat of the Ministry of Economy.

Compared to January last year, on a daily average, exports increased by 56.3%, totaling US$5.84 billion, and imports increased by 16%, totaling US$4.40 billion. Thus, trade flows increased by 36% to reach US$10.24 billion.

Residents of the cities of Para and Amapá will have access to high-speed internet

On Friday (14/01), the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, attended the launch of the Infovia 00 cable in Macapá (AP), which will bring high-speed internet to nearly one million residents of the states. Amapa and Para, they include riverside dwellers and artisan fishermen. Internet will reach through fiber optic cables installed in river beds. The initiative is a milestone in the actions of the Sustainable Integrated Amazon Programme, which includes the Norte Conectado program coordinated by the Ministry of Communications.

With a length of 770 km, the subfluvial fiber optic cable will connect Macapá (AP) with Santarém (PA), passing through the cities of Alencar, Almirim and Monte Alegre. The deployment of the Infovia 00 main network is expected to be completed by January 31.

Serra da Capivara Park is recognized as an excellent tourist route

This week, the Serra da Capivara National Park in Piau was recognized as one of the most important tourist routes in the world. The conservation unit is the only Brazilian entity to be included in the list of tourist destinations in 2022 created by The New York Times.

The publication highlights the archaeological relevance of the Serra da Capivara. According to the Ministry of Tourism, the park is the only distinct Brazilian biome and contains the fossils of the first men to live in the Americas.

The park shares the list with representatives such as Saguaro National Park, located in Arizona, United States; Dana Biosphere Reserve in Jordan; and El Yunque National Forest in Puerto Rico.

See this and other news here

https://www.gov.br/pt-br/noticias/assistencia-social/2022/01/auxilio-brasil-contempla-17-5-milhoes-de-familias-em-janeiro-de-2022-e- government-federal-Zera-fila-do-programa

https://www.gov.br/pt-br/noticias/assistencia-social/2022/01/recursos-garantidos-pelo-governo-federal-para-municipios-afetados-pelas-chuvas-em-minas-gerais- chegam-ar-48-6-milhoes


https://www.gov.br/pt-br/noticias/financas-impostos-e-gestao-publica/2022/01/balanca-comercial-abre-2022-com-superavit-de-us-1-45- Bilho-na-Primera-Semana-de-Janeiro

https://www.gov.br/planalto/pt-br/acompanhe-o-planalto/noticias/2022/01/presidente-jair-bolsonaro-participa-do-lancamento-de-internet-de-alta-velocidade- Para-populacos-da-reggio-amagenica

https://www.gov.br/pt-br/noticias/viagens-e-turismo/2022/01/serra-da-capivara-e-reconhecida-como-um-dos-roteiros-turisticos-mais-importantes- two-headed

About the author: Sarah Gracie

"Proud social media buff. Unapologetic web scholar. Internet guru. Lifelong music junkie. Travel specialist."

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