Nouncertain night, The international title calls it the Portuguese title as an alternative to “Night When Nothing Is Known”, and both are correct, as Payal Kapadia’s film is entirely directed (and such films are rare in an era when all Something goes well (explained to avoid misunderstanding) to the uncertainty of the viewer, to make him go through the film as if through a night when he knows nothing. uncertain night won the Best Documentary award at the 2021 Cannes festival, but even the classification (of the documentary)… is uncertain, in a film that combines archival footage and “problems with things” with a hypothetical argument that is also based on “found objects”: a set of letters written by a film student (who only signs the L) to her boyfriend in the middle of the last decade, crossed by various political or The torn letter addresses contemporary India issues—the opposition to Modi’s power, the university protest, the movement to challenge the caste system. collection” and which was apparently filmed by Kapadia and his colleagues, everything is received by the audience as if it had happened a lot. For a long time, as if we were facing a film like this which came from the distant future a few decades and began to reflect, almost archaeologically, in the last years of 2010. It is a rare way of talking about politics or society, especially of the obsolete and suggestive. since the form uncertain night After all, takes a look at fairly solid topics.
About the author: Cory Weinberg
"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."