AFP 7 Day International Agenda – 17/02/2021

AFP 7 Day International Agenda – 17/02/2021

Rio de Janeiro, 17 February 2021 (AFP) – International Agenda for Thursey, February 18, 2021 UNTIL THURSDAY, February 25, 2021

The time and date of the events is expressed in Brasilia time. For coverage and major events, please see our list of scheduled articles, sent daily.

(+) Event added in last 24 hours

Event updated in the last 24 hours

Thursey, February 18, 2021


World – Global Live Event on EarthxTV, YouTube and Facebook: Protect Amazon Now – 6pm


PASADENA (United States) – Mars 2020 Spacecraft Landing –

(+) Kalamazoo (United States) – Biden meets workers who produce anti-viral vaccines at the Pizerizer factory –

Washington (United States) – US government released data for weekly unemployment insurance claims – 11:30 am

Washington (United States) – IMF Press Briefing – 12H30

(+) RIO DE JANEIRO (Brazil) – Kaikin Rauni launches worldwide appeal as part of live webcast “Protecting Amazon” – 17H00


(+) PARIS (France) – French Chancellor hosted talks on Iran with colleagues from Germany, Great Britain and US Secretary of State Blinken –

France – Coronavirus / Kovid-19: Health Crisis Monitoring in France – (as of 31 December 2021)

(+) SOCHI (Russia) – Talks with Lavrov Geir Pedersen, Syria’s Special Envoy to the United Nations –

(+) Rome (Italy) – Mario Dhani has got confidence vote in the lower house of parliament –

(+) Chislehurst (United Kingdom) – Abbey Road Street Sign Auction – 00H00

PARIS (France) – Airbus 2020 Annual Results – 03H30

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PARIS (France) – Carrefour 2020 Annual Results – 04H00

VEVEY (Switzerland) – Nestle publishes results – 04H15

Paris (France) – 2020 Annual Results Air France-KLM – 04H15

MOSCOW (Russia) – Naval Pro Guard Test – 09H00

(+) PARIS (France) – Protest against the arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi – 11 am

Madrid (Spain) – Spanish health officials’ press conference on the epidemic – 15:30

Middle East and North Africa

(+) MARIB (Yemen) – Rebels begin campaign in Yemen to take Marib – (until 3 March)

Asia Pacific

Hong Kong (China) – Media magnate Jimmy Lai arrives in Supreme Court for a new bail hearing –

China – Chinese New Year – (until 8 March)

Rishikesh (India) – Search and rescue operations after glacier accident – (up to 19)

Hong Kong (China) – Deadline for public servants to sign a new loyalty term –

(+) Hong Kong (China) – Restaurants serve again at night, as social removal measures are relaxed – 08H00


(+) BRAZZAVILLE (Congo) – WHO’s press conference on Kovid-19 in Africa – 08H00


(+) See Off – Joint Naval Exercise by Iran and Russia in the Indian Ocean –

Friday, February 19, 2021


(+) Salvador (Brazil) – curfew is in force in Bahia – (up to 20)


(+) London (United Kingdom) – Virtual meeting of G7 leaders –

Munich (Germany) – Munich Security Conference virtually, Biden, Merkel – 13H00 with speeches

(+) Geneva (Switzerland) – WHO briefing on Kovid-19 – 14H00

Asia Pacific

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Yokohama (Japan) – First Anniversary of End of Quarantine of Diamond Princess Cruise Ship –

Saturday, February 20, 2021


(+) MOSCOW (Russia) – Court considers appeal against naval prison sentence – 05H00

Middle East and North Africa

(+) Tehran (Iran) – Visit by IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi –

(+) Tehran (Iran) – President Hassan Rohani speaks at the weekly meeting of the Anti-Virus Task Force – 04H30

Asia Pacific

(+) BANGKOK (Thailand) – Thai Parliament voted the no-confidence motion of the Prime Minister’s government –

Sunday, February 21, 2021


OTTAWA (Canada) – Reopening of US borders with Mexico and Canada –

Middle East and North Africa

(+) Tehran (Iran) – Iran has to stop the application of an additional protocol for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty –

(+) ABU DHABI (United Arab Emirates) – International Defense Exhibition and Conference – 02H00 (till 25)

Monday, February 22, 2021


(+) United Nations (United States) – United Nations Environment Assembly –

(+) Washington (United States) – Senate confirmation hearing for Planned Attorney General Merrick Garland – (up to 23)


(+) Geneva (Switzerland) – 9th General Session of Human Rights Council – (till 23 March)

(+) KARLSRUHE (Germany) – Federal court hearing on Volkswagen emissions technology – (up to 23)

(+) Geneva (Switzerland) – Venezuelan President Maduro talks to Human Rights Council – 07H00

(+) Geneva (Switzerland) – Chinese Chancellor Speaks to Human Rights Council – 08H00

(+) BERLIN (Germany) – President Steinmeier held a virtual press conference with the Director General of the WHO, Tedros, after the conversation about CWax – 09H30

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PARIS (France) – New trial of appeal by former ETA leader Josu Ternera – 09H30 (until 23)

Madrid (Spain) – Spanish health officials’ press conference on the epidemic – 15:30

Today, February 23, 2021


(+) BRAZIL – The documentary ‘Pele’ has been released on Netflix –

Washington (United States) – Consumption data – 13H00

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


BRAS BRLIA (Brazil) – Inversión Extranjera (External area statistics) Ref: Jan / 21 – 12:00 Europe (+) London (United Kingdom) – Prime Minister answers Parliament questions – 10 am

About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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