America’s new scheme provides shelter for immigrant families in hotels – Money Times

America’s new scheme provides shelter for immigrant families in hotels – Money Times
Endeavor is located in downtown San Antonio, calling it a “family reception site”.

Some immigrant families who arrive The us According to a new program run by nonprofit organizations, according to two familiar sources, plans representing departures from anti-profit centers criticized by Democrats and health experts will be placed in hotels.

Endeavor, located in the city of San Antonio, said two sources would see “family reception locations” at hotels in Texas and Arizona. The organization, in partnership with other nonprofits, will initially provide 1,400 vacancies in seven hotels of different brands to families considered vulnerable when they are caught on the border.

The opening of reception centers will result in a significant change in government with the President Joe Biden, A Democrat, is moving away from the idea of ​​closing immigrant families in benefit facilities.

In January, Biden advised the judicial department not to renew its contracts with privately run criminal detention entities. However, the decree did not address prisons for immigrants operated by the country’s Customs and Immigration Agency (ICE).

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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