Australia is expected to explode coronovirus cases with new variants coming from the UK – Revista Kreiser

Australia is expected to explode coronovirus cases with new variants coming from the UK – Revista Kreiser

Coronavirus (Photo: Getty Images)

According to local media, new cases of Kovid-19 are being diagnosed in Australia, and are a concern for the country. According to earlier studies, the new strain can be up to 70% more infectious than the original strain, and can cause complications in young people.

“With the new variant, respiratory symptoms are much worse because the virus can enter the lungs more easily,” The Jeremy Nicholson of the Australian National Phenom Center at Murdoch University told the Australian newspaper. “The easier it is to enter, the more contagious it is and therefore less virus particles are needed in the air,” he said.

ALSO READ: “The mutation of the virus is more dangerous because it can infect a large number of people”, explains the pediatrician

Infection can be avoided by high schools of contamination, school closures and blocking of activities in Australia.

In an interview released by the Daily Mail, Australian Medical Association President Omar Khurshid said, “With this highly transmitted version of Kovid-19, a quarantine worker will be more likely to spread from an infected passenger.” All passengers are tested upon entering or leaving the country.

Australia, since 20 March last year, has closed its borders. Since then, only Australian citizens, permanent residents or people with special exemptions have been allowed entry into the country.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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