Brazil’s King Sambasol performs in the United States

Brazil’s King Sambasol performs in the United States

In a post-pandemic concert resumption, the King of Sambasol, Wesley Nogg, will play a series of concerts at Boxyard RPT, an outdoor facility in North Carolina, United States. The proposal is to bring together artists from diverse cultures. Noog will always perform on Wednesdays on the main stage, Beat Box.

In the artist’s effort, “Here and There” will be a partnership with the stage, a sort of agenda with music and dance scripts. The proposal is intended as the motto of the stage: “Think globally, dance locally” to “celebrate the sounds of the world”.

Watch a performance of “Sambasoul” at The Blue Note in Durham, North Carolina:

youtube playback

Nog says that, in times of a pandemic, there must be a constant concern for the preservation of life, through the art and works of artists. Through artistic talents, to awaken Brazilian music around the world and to spread joy and ease the pain caused by the pandemic.

“I was the first artist to campaign to stop COVID 19, because I love humans, my people and scientifically understand the fatality of the infection, which has killed more than 660,000 people in Brazil. It is very important to remember that the pandemic is not over and not over, but we need to be strong and stay safe on this journey, besides ensuring prevention for our family members and close ones, for the safety of our people. There is also a need to protect. We also have to contribute to social causes that help the entire population”, says Nog.

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Service / Schedule:

Wednesdays in April 2022: 13th, 20th and 27th

Location: Boxyard RTP

Address: 900 Park Office Dr, Research Triangle, NC 27709, USA

Covid Precautions:

– Boxyard RTP is an outdoor facility that will comply with all Covid-19 regulations enforced by County Durham; Masks are required for indoor areas;

– Free hand sanitizers and cleaning stations have been provided in all facilities in addition to regular cleaning;

– Performers shall be kept at a safe distance from the general public on the beatbox platform;

– If you feel the beat and feel like dancing, do it at your table with the group that came.

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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