Britain. Police intern faked covid test to miss

Britain.  Police intern faked covid test to miss

youA trainee police officer in the UK tried to pretend he was infected with COVID-19, drawing red lines on an antigen test to prove that fact, Reports to Sky News.

‘Feat’ was written by Ahmed Anwari, who reportedly told his internship supervisor that he could not attend work because he was infected with the new coronavirus.

But his strategy eventually came to fruition, when he was asked to send a picture of the result as evidence and it was “obvious that the test had been manually altered”, with red lines “drawn”, he mentions. The trial was held.

The Lancashire police officer would be invited to take an antigen test live, throughout the meeting via an online platform, where he again defended that the result was a false positive.

After confronting his lie, Ahmed Anwari would eventually admit it, explaining that he had acted in such a way as to be able to stay at home while following the isolation measures then implemented in the United Kingdom. He would eventually resign from his post a day later.

Presiding over Monday’s hearing, Lancashire Police Chief Chris Rowley explained that the intern had broken the rules of professional behavior and, as a result, was responsible for professional misconduct. “I think if Anwari was still a member of the Lancashire Police, he would have been fired,” he said.

“Police officers should always bear in mind that the public expects them to maintain high standards of professional behavior,” the same source said.

Also read: Covid Long. The Fact That All Parents (Really) Should Know

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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