Clarification on FAB Aircraft Flight to the United States

Clarification on FAB Aircraft Flight to the United States

Regarding the frivolous and irresponsible comments that have been circulated on social networks regarding the flight by the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) aircraft to the United States on 13 November, the Institute reiterates that no one, including Mr. was not a passenger. Carvalho, in the paragraph under consideration. Only the crew who carried out the mission were on board.

FAB disclaims and does not accept the presumption that he may have participated in an irregular or concealed manner in any passenger transport. All actions of the institution are guided by the point of view of law compliance and transparency. Untruth must be exposed without proper investigation, as it contributes to misinformation in the society.

The FAB reiterates that this complies with Decree No. 10.267 of March 5, 2020, which provides for the air transport of officers in Air Force Command aircraft. Contrary to what was mentioned about transport on 11 November, the FAB did not request any confidentiality for the flights designated for the transport of Ministers of State, so that it could be abandoned.

Visualization at surveillance sites, which is noticeable by the presence of ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance – or, in Portuguese, Automatic Air Surveillance System) equipment.

Although the 11 November mission to So Paulo and 13 November to the United States used aircraft with FAB registration 2582, there is no planning relationship between the two missions, and it is completely inconsistent to conclude that it was was done in the form. of other benefits.

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With regard to mission planning in general, landing at MacArthur Airport on Long Island was the first in the US and was scheduled due to the restriction of the apron at JFK Airport, as the location of the Great Movement, US officials request that the time spent on the ground of aircraft that do not regularly operate at that location is a maximum of 2 hours, which would make direct travel to this airport impossible.

Landing on Long Island was considered because it is already a location commonly used by the FAB on trips to New York as a support base and because the airport is only 32 nautical miles, which is about 59 kilometers and about 10 miles (about 10 miles). minute is equal to. Luck. Added to the decision to land at MacArthur Airport was the fact that the entire immigration process of the crew was possible and there were no passengers on the plane.

The institution remains permanently at the disposal of the Brazilian society, working to become an air force of great hopelessness, operationally modern and functioning in an integrated manner, working in an integrated manner to protect national interests. Still working. With uninterrupted functioning of its military and civilians, functioning in a transparent manner, it remains one of the most respected institutions in the country.

Brasilia, November 20, 2021.

Aeronautical Social Communication Center

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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