Covid: £ 10,000 fine for self-infringement violation

Covid: £ 10,000 fine for self-infringement violation

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People living in the UK can be fined up to 10,000 for refusing a segregation order.

People should self-isolate for the new legal duty if they test positive for coronavirus from September 28, or are found as a close contact.

The new measures include a one-off £ 500 support payment for low-income people and a penalty for employers punishing self-isolated people.

As it turns out The prime minister is considering tougher sanctions After an increase in cases.

Another 4,422 new Covid-19 cases and 27 deaths Was told on Saturday.

there were There were 350 new cases in Scotland, Highest daily increase since May, 212 new cases in Wales, And 222 in Northern Ireland.

Penalties will begin for repeat offenders exceeding repeat 1,000, for repeat offenders over 10,000, and for “the most heinous violation.” So far, self-isolation advice has been the only guide.

Announcing the new rules for England, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the best way to fight the virus was to follow the rules for everyone.

“So no one underestimates how important it is. The new rules will mean that if you are a virus or you have been asked to do so by NHS tests and traces, you are legally.” You will be forced to do so. People who choose to ignore the rules will face significant penalties. .

“We need to do our best to control the spread of the virus, to prevent the most vulnerable people from becoming infected, and to protect the NHS and save lives,” he said.

At a Glance: What Are the New Rules?

  • People in England who are asked to self-isolate by NHS tests and traces Penalties of up to 10,000 for the worst offenders – face 10,000 – If they fail to do so
  • This Positive tests include those And Which are known as close contacts Confirmation of cases
  • This Including the owner Forcing staff to ignore self-isolation orders
  • The NHS will create tests and traces Contact them regularly To check compliance
  • Measures Apply from September 28 And will be Implemented by police and local authorities
  • Those who receive benefits or are on a low income and who cannot work from home can receive a one-off payment of 500 If self-isolation

The ones that attract the most fines include those that prevent other people from isolating themselves, such as an employer who insists on a staff member coming to work in violation of an order. Is.

Penalties are appropriate for people who fail to be excluded for 14 days after returning to the UK from a country not included in the list of low-risk countries.

In Bolton, A returning holidaymaker who did not isolate himself and instead climbed into pubs is being blamed to some extent. For town growth in cases.

Iron fist in a velvet glove

The Prime Minister is concerned that the current rules are being severely curtailed – and he is disappointed that they are not always enforced effectively.

The government’s scientific advisers have suggested that four out of five people should bow down or break the rules.

Therefore, from September 28 in England, fines can be imposed.

But this iron fist is hidden in a velvet glove.

Following pilot plans in parts of Lancashire, a lump sum of a 500 will be available to people who have to self-isolate – or who are on a low income and can’t afford to work from home.

Regional political leaders, such as Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham, have been pushing for it.

But compliance is not the only problem.

Delays in providing test results can affect how quickly infected people lose contact, whether they want to, or are paid to do the right thing.

Shadow Chancellor Annelius Dodge welcomed the “absurd” announcement of additional financial aid to help those who need to be self-sufficient.

However, he added that “the money should not have been spent at the end of the month because low-income people need more help”.

The UK government hopes the new measures will be replicated in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland – all of which have the power to set their own coronavirus rules.

Officials said the NHS tests and traces would keep in regular contact with the individuals identified to isolate themselves and report any suspicions that people were not following the police and local authorities.

Police will investigate compliance in Covid-19 hotspots and “high-risk” groups, as well as follow reports from members of the public who have tested positive but are not self-isolated.

Non-compliance cases can result in “high-profile and horrific” cases.

Like other coronavirus rules, there are special exemptions for those who need to avoid illness or damage when they are isolated, and for those who need care.

Changes in benefits or support for low-income people will initially affect 4 million people who cannot work from home in England, the government said.

Lump sum payment of 500 500 per week. .8 95.85 per legal sick pay and ਪਹਿਲਾਂ 182 previously announced additional award for those who isolate themselves in the most risky areas of intervention.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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