Daughter leaves mother to find needle inside strawberry – News

Daughter leaves mother to find needle inside strawberry – News

A little girl from Blackwater, Australia, decided to eat one of the leftover strawberries Birthday Cake Made for father. However, there was a nervous, silent and gestured with joy. The fruit has a needle.

Zoe Callow calls for her mother, Beak, who is immediately shocked. “it’s a little Scary and scary To think there are needles in strawberries, ”he said in an interview with the online newspaper CQ News.

The Blackwater resident claims to have bought two boxes of fruit at a unit of Australian supermarket chain Woolworths. After using strawberries on the cake, the family noticed nothing unusual: “We spent days eating cake and we had no problem.”

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Fortunately, the incident did not hurt Zoe. Nevertheless, the girl’s mother contacted the store where she purchased the product.

In an interview with the Daily Mail tabloid, a Woolworth spokesman said the company is available to police and food officials to help investigate potential adulteration of the product. “We started our investigation according to our established food safety procedures,” he said.

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Until now, the needle discovered by the girl is considered a separate case, as there are no other reports of this type.

In 2018, several sewing needles were found inside Strawberries marketed in Australia. A 50-year-old woman, an agricultural supervisor, is said to have taken revenge against colleagues by contaminating the fruits with metals.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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