Dave Groll Explains Foo Fighters’ Decision To Release ‘Madison At Ad Night’

Dave Groll Explains Foo Fighters’ Decision To Release ‘Madison At Ad Night’

Dave Grohl discusses how the Fu Fighters finally decided to release their upcoming new album, Madison at Midnight, which was delayed by the coronavirus epidemic.

The record, which will be Fuse’s tenth studio album, is set for release on February 5, 2021, although the band was originally scheduled to release it in 2020 to celebrate its 25th anniversary mark.

Talked to New York York’s Q104.3 radio station Earlier this week, Grohle talked about how ‘Madison at Midnight’ actually ended back in February.

“We’re done – mixed, master, ready to go. Artwork was done, T-shirts were being made, equipment was on trucks – we had to go. And then everything stopped, ”he said, referring to the coronavirus outbreak.

“Then it was months and months to decide when we would release it. ‘Okay, do we put it out right now?’ ‘No, let’s wait. Maybe we’ll see what happens. ‘A month later,’ Shall we take it out now? Have you been? ‘ ‘No, let’s wait. “

He added: “So, six or seven months have passed, and I am like this: ‘We make this music for people to listen to. We don’t just build it so we can go on the road. We write these songs so people can enjoy them and sing along, whether it’s in their kitchen with a bottle of Crow Royal or in the stadium, bouncing, singing. “

“So, I was like, now more than ever, people need something to lift their spirits, to give them some relief or to avoid it. I was like: ‘We have to keep it out. Let’s put it out now. ‘

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“I don’t know when we’re going to hit the road, but we need to give people music, that’s why we’re making it.”

Grohl recently confirmed that not all ‘Madison at Midnight’ will sound like the lead single ‘Shame on Shame’ released last month.

About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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