Djokovic reached the semi-finals by winning for the first time this year; Thiago Monteiro loses – 04/21/2022

Djokovic reached the semi-finals by winning for the first time this year;  Thiago Monteiro loses – 04/21/2022

04/21/2022 | 17:39

Serbian Novak Djokovic reached the semi-finals for the first time in 2022. He secured a place at the ATP 250 in Belgrade by defeating compatriot Miomir Kekmanovic in 2 sets 1 to 4/6, 6/3 and 6/3. He will next face Russia’s Karen Khachanov, who also dismissed Brazilian Thiago Monteiro this Thursday.

After missing out on the Australian Open, Miami Masters and Indian Wells for not being vaccinated, Djokovic is betting on all his chips in Belgrade not to lose again the rankings leadership threatened by Daniil Medvedev. In front of Miomir Kekmanovic, the Serbian faced and the opponent opened the first set with a 6/4 victory.

Kekmanovic started the second set better, but Djokovic reacted, took two breaks and tied 6/3. In the third set, the Serbian dominated from the sixth game and finished 6/3, again confirming the win.

thiago montero

Brazil did not have an easy time this Thursday as they lost 2 sets 0, partial 7/5 and 6/4 to Karen Khachanov.

Thiago Monteiro scored two even sets, but saw the opponent get better, especially in aces. There were seven against only two for Brazil, who also made a double mistake. There were two breaks for the Russians, who won against Brazil.


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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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