Documentaries clarify doubts about sustainability and climate change

Documentaries clarify doubts about sustainability and climate change

audiovisual The tips address various points and problems that we are facing today with the environment and will help you to raise awareness about the daily approach

Without a doubt, climate change is one of the biggest threats facing society today. Since 1972 at the Stockholm Conference, environmental problems were already on the agenda.

Now, in 2021, the problem continues (and increases), drawing the attention of great world leaders, who debated this week at COP 26, a review of countries’ contribution to a 1.5°C temperature reduction by 2030.

“The last 8 years were the hottest on record and if nothing is done the trend is set for it to worsen”, explains Gustavo Loyola, Professor of Innovation and Sustainability at ISAE Escola de Negocios and President of Latin America and the Caribbean at PRME. of the United Nations (Principles of Responsible Executive Education).

He continued, “Watching documentaries on sustainability, in the main, serves to have a vision of the whole and with it, we begin to become more aware of what is happening across the planet”. The expert recommends four documentaries with topics related to sustainability and climate change.


The first, titled “Breaking Barriers: The Science of Our Planet,” addresses a scientific discovery that humanity is pushing planet Earth beyond the limits that have held it steady for 10,000 years since the beginning of civilization.

“The documentary brings a very educational, scientific and candid approach to the importance of reviewing our production and consumption models, in order to prioritize the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement”, explains Loyola.

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The main character of the production is the famous Swedish scientist Johan Rockström, who defined the limits of interpretation of the documentary with a total of nine. And four of them have already been overcome: climate change, loss of forests, loss of biodiversity and changes in nutrients in water courses.

“Breaking Barriers”, lasts 75 minutes and is narrated and presented by British naturalist David Attenborough, in addition to testimony from Brazilian scientist Carlos Nobre, about deforestation in the Amazon and the risk of the forest becoming a great savanna. I talks. The production is available on Netflix.

The second, “Fertile Soil”, is narrated by Woody Harrelson and tells the story of a revolutionary group of activists, scientists, farmers and politicians who unite in a global movement called “regenerative agriculture”, which aims to balance the climate. , refueling. Supplying water and feeding the world.

The film begins with an investigation into how soil erosion has been caused by the cultivation and use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and then explores the damage done to our ecology, health and climate.

In contrast, the documentary shows an alternative solution, based on regenerative agriculture, an ethical practice designed to restore degraded land and facilitate carbon removal. Traveling around the world, directors often use image combinations to show the beauty of the health of the soil. Also available on Netflix.

Heaven in Flames This tells about the fire in the United States of America, near the city of Paradise, California in 2018 due to the heat (Photo: Disclosure)

“Paradise in Flames”, tells about the fire in California in 2018, near the city of Paradise in the United States. In a matter of hours, the bonfire turned into the deadliest wildfire in the country for more than a century.

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Seventy-five people died and thousands were left homeless in a fire called the Camp Fire, which was the worst in a hundred years. Directors Dria Cooper and Jacari Canapari take twenty-nine minutes to seamlessly blend these videos with accounts of survivors, whether they are local residents or the police and firefighters trying to save everyone.

Through direct footage of the disaster and interviews with survivors and responders, the documentary reconstructs the survival stories of that day. The production is also available on the Netflix catalog.

The final documentary is called “A Pequena Grande Farm”. With a desire to be in better harmony with nature and to give his dog an outdoor life, Chesters moved to Los Angeles to help run a farm with volunteer workers and workers for eight years.

“He transformed an inhospitable habitat into a fully functional environment, restoring the biodiversity of flora and fauna. I love this documentary because it brings an optimistic view of how ecosystems are regenerated”, concludes Gustavo Loyola.

Launched in 2018, Molly, a blogger and chef, and John, a videographer who travels the world filming wildlife, pledged to share their lives with a common purpose: living on a sustainable farm. For. Globo Play. Available at

About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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