Godzilla vs. Kong director is already in talks on his next “MonsterWars” film

Godzilla vs. Kong director is already in talks on his next “MonsterWars” film

Godzilla vs Kang Long-sighted managed to establish the “Monsterwars” that Legendary Pictures had been making for some time and with good audience results, the studios were already thinking of continuing the shared universe of giant creatures Used to be. And director Adam Wingard should be the first to replicate the dose in charge of producing these worlds, right into the next project.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, there is a good chance that this will happen, however, no deal has been finalized yet and there are no details about the sequel. Some backstage sources indicate that the title may be based on Kong’s son, inspired by Kong’s sonLaunched in 1933.

Image: Playback / Legendary Picture

Prior to this, Vingard had already pursued his interest in the search for “monsterwars”. “I would love to continue. The obvious starting point we have established will be to explore the hollow Earth. I think there is a lot to do. It is a prehistory of the planet Earth, from where all [titãs] Comes. We discover some secrets [Godzilla vs. Kong], Things that I want to see resolved and taken to the next level. If I get a chance, I know what I’m going to do. It relies on Warner Bros. and Legendary [decidirem], If they are interested in it. “

Godzilla vs Kang Debuted in theaters and on HBO Max in late March and raised $ 86.7 million in the United States with worldwide revenue of $ 406.6 million – which can be considered a major achievement in these pandemic times. In addition, the film performed well among critics, with 75% approval on Rotten Tomatoes.

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Source: Hollywood reporter

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About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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