Golden retriever dog has cute reaction to watching Disney classic ‘Lady and the Tramp’

Golden retriever dog has cute reaction to watching Disney classic ‘Lady and the Tramp’

Phoebe is a good golden retriever who loves to watch movies, but not just any movie, she loves the Disney classic ‘Lady and the Tramp’.

Cute cartoon watching scene was shared tiktok profile From her guardian, Megan, last Friday, 3. Both live in Orange County, California, United States.

The film tells the love story between two puppies and it seems that Phoebe is in love with the plot as she excites in front of the screen, puts her toy in her mouth, and vibrates with each scene in which the main character can be seen.

And this sweet reaction is more common than you might think! A 2013 study by the National Veterinary School of Lyon in France found that dogs are able to see images on TV and can even recognize and react to animals on screens, especially when they do things like bark.

The video’s post garnered over 2.5 million views, 425 reactions and thousands of comments, with others finding the scene adorable and others indicating the film’s title to watch.

check out:

And from Tiktok profile you can see that dog and his tutor are always watching movies together. Check out some:

It’s very cute! But you can tell from his reaction that Phoebe’s favorite cartoon is ‘Lady and the Tramp’.

Also watch this video:

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About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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