Harry Styles fan reveals he was at home after the car broke down and didn’t, it’s not a fanfick

Harry Styles fan reveals he was at home after the car broke down and didn’t, it’s not a fanfick

Imagine you’re back home from doing nothing, and all of a sudden you find a note of Harry Styles back in your fridge, thanking your dad for helping him with his car problems. No, it’s not something I read and dreamed about last night. For one lucky (or maybe not so lucky, because he wasn’t home) fan, it really happened.

Harry Styles superfan Theodora revealed on her Instagram that Harry was actually in his place, fed him fish, drank some tea, and hung out with his dad while he was out of the house. Luckily for her, she left some notes and even signed a fine line copy. He also wore a face mask because it is 2020.

Best line by Harry Styles

“Theodora, my car broke down on your street and your father’s friend kindly let me wait at your house with a cup of tea. I’m so sorry we miss each other. See you soon. “Wait. Treat people kindly. All. My love, Harry. PS I fed the fish,” he wrote in a note. “Ask you to get in touch with Dad and I’ll meet you at a show.”

And yes, her dad even took some pictures to show that it was 100 percent real!

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Theodora took her Instagram privately After his post went viral in popularity, however, he left a special message for anyone who stopped by and revealed “The fish is called Harry.” I think we can name this real-life fanatic When Harry met Harry.

So dream big fungi, because in the year 2020 anything can happen.

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About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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