How is Ana Brenda Contreras of Indomable Heart now?

How is Ana Brenda Contreras of Indomable Heart now?

Estrella de Coracao Indomavel and many other works from Mexico, in addition to working in the United States, Maricruz’s interpreter is a big name in Latin America. See how Ana Brenda Contreras is now in 2021.

How is Anna Brenda now?

The actress is currently 34 years old and continues to work in TV. According to SBT, born in the United States of America in the city of McAllen, Texas, the actress is fluent in English and Spanish, which guarantees work in both languages ​​for her.

With ups and downs in her love life, Ana Brenda is now in a relationship with businessman Zacharias Melheim. Little is known about the actress’ boyfriend, who is quite reserved and has a personal Instagram account. In interviews, Famous said that she keeps the relationship a secret as her boyfriend is not a public figure.

In November 2020 Anna Brenda first published a picture with her boyfriend to wish her a happy birthday. In addition to his profession, the Mexican website TV Notes revealed that Zacharias is over 40 years old and is the brother of Ana Brenda’s best friend Daniela Melheim.

Couple’s relationship is out of the limelight Photo: Instagram

Before starting a relationship with the now Mexican businessman, Ana Brenda dated Spanish Ivan Sanchez for a few years. The couple starred in the 2015 Mexican serial “Lo Imperdonable”, the first soap opera the actress created after living in Máriquez in Coracao Indomavel. In these productions, Ana was in the film Volando Bajo (2014).

See how Ana Brenda is now:

actress who marries today
The actress is a well-known name on the small screen of Mexico Photo: Instagram


Despite being born in the United States, the actress has spent most of her life in Tamaulipas, the place in Mexico where her parents were born. According to the international website IMDb, Ana Brenda’s first role on the small screen was in Barrera d’Amor in 2005.

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The actress has appeared in several soap operas and movies over the years, mostly in Mexico. Apart from acting, she has also gone behind the camera. In 2019 he directed the short film Wingbeat and made his directorial debut. The production of the miniature is American and Mexican.

From 2018 to 2019 she was in the series Dynasty, one of her most famous projects in English in Brazil, distributed by Netflix. Despite playing a pivotal role in the series, Crystal Jennings, the actress had to leave production. In an interview with People from Spain, she stated that she had to withdraw from recording due to health.

In 2020, with singer Victor Manuel, Ana Brenda was the presenter of the Latin Grammys, an award that took place in Miami, United States.

For fans of the actress’ soap operas, which ones you can watch today featuring Ana Brenda Contreras:

  • Love Barrier (2005)
  • Duel of Passion (2006)
  • I Swear I Love You (2008 – 2009)
  • Magic (2009)
  • Teresa (2010 – 2011)
  • Who Couldn’t Love (2011 – 2012)
  • Untamed Heart (2013)
  • Unforgivable (2015)
  • To Love Without Law (2018 – 2019)

Watch Call of Juro Que Amo, which has already aired in Brazil:

Read also:

What happens to Maricruz’s grandfather in Coracao Indomaveli

Daniel Arenas TODAY: See where Ottavio with the indomitable heart is headed

About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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