How to Grow Cloves: There is no simpler technique than this

How to Grow Cloves: There is no simpler technique than this

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Montes Claros, April 5, 2022, by Hevila Neri – Known in the scientific community syzygium aromaticumCloves are widely used in the preparation of medicinal teas to cure stomach problems. After all, due to its curative potential, it helps prevent diseases like cancer and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory. So, while learning How grow clovesYou guarantee a better quality of life for your entire family.

This majestic plant is highly nutritious and adapts well to tropical climates and can live for over 100 years. Therefore, in ancient times it was used in naturopathy, helping to relieve pain and cure diseases. So today we will show you special tips for this How grow cloves,

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how to grow cloves

Clove, known as clove in Brazil, is a tree native to Indonesia and belongs to the Myrtaceae family. This family of plants is usually rich in aromatic and natural oils. Many people are growing caves at home to get all its benefits. So, today’s Casa e Agro will show you the best way to grow this wonderful plant.

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How to Grow Cloves (Canva Pro Breeding)

ideal vase

Choose a medium sized pot of about 5 liters. Immediately after this, check if there are drainage holes in the bottom of the pot to allow excess water to drain. Therefore, the recommended pots are clay or plastic ones.

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Cloves prefer soil rich in organic matter that is clay and well-draining. Therefore, use cow manure and black soil to fertilize your plant. You can also use leftover compost and peat to further increase your fertilization.


This plant does not like cold and cannot survive in low temperatures. In this sense, places with a humid tropical climate with a temperature between 20 and 30 °C are ideal for the growth of this tree. Also, cloves usually bloom between the months of May and June.


According to Joao Mathias, in an article published on the website on 20 April 2018 rural globeFor grow clovesIt is essential to know that your seed germinates better when we remove its pulp. In this way, fill a vessel with water and keep the cloves inside for 24 hours. Finally, after this time, remove the seeds from the water and put them in a plastic bag with black soil and compost. Lastly, plant the seeds in a pot and don’t forget to water your plant regularly. It takes 10 to 15 days for the seedlings to germinate.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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