India has deployed US Chinook helicopters to boost defense along the disputed border with China

India has deployed US Chinook helicopters to boost defense along the disputed border with China

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India continues to enhance its defense capabilities with newly acquired US weapons in areas adjacent to the eastern part of China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, which borders the northeastern part of the country.

India has deployed US-made Chinook helicopters, ultralight howitzers and Todd guns, supersonic cruise missiles and a nationally built surveillance system. Second Bloomberg.

The advanced weapons are being commanded by the newly formed Mountain Attack Corps, an offensive unit of the Indian Army under the Eastern Command.

Indian Army’s Eastern Command chief Lt Gen Manoj Pandey expressed confidence in the troops’ “military readiness” to deal with any eventuality along the Chinese border.

They reaffirmed India’s increasing deployment of satellites, long-range unmanned aerial vehicles, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance systems and other capabilities in Arunachal Pradesh along the Chinese border.

Most of the arms are on the Tawang Plateau of Arunachal Pradesh, an area administered by New Delhi but claimed by Beijing as part of Tibet.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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