India struggling to capitalize on cheap Russian oil

India struggling to capitalize on cheap Russian oil

For you who have come here,

We thank you very much for trusting our journalism and we take this opportunity to make a small request.

Diario Causa Operaria is passing through a defining moment for its future. We live in interesting times. A time of crisis of capitalism, of intense class struggle, of political and social polarization. Time of pandemic and politics of genocide. The time of coup d’état and popular rebellion. The time when Fascism raises its head and the Revolutionary Left develops before our very eyes. It is no exaggeration to say that we are at the door of an open struggle between revolution and counter-revolution.

The capitalist class has already sensed the danger. Popular rebellions in Ecuador, Bolivia and Colombia showed where the continent was headed. Apart from pure and simple repression, one of the fundamental weapons of the great capitalists in the struggle against workers and people is misinformation, confusion, falsification and manipulation of facts, if not outright lies. At this time, the bourgeoisie is trying to confuse the panorama in front of the beginning of street mobilization against Bolsonaro and all the coup d’états. Their efforts are aimed at erasing the lines that separate the left from the right, replacing the rebels with those fighting against the coup, replacing red with green and yellow on the streets, and the people’s true enemies infiltrating the popular movement. . Diario Causa Operaria places itself at the forefront of the confrontation against the bourgeoisie, its politics and its maneuvers.

Unlike other portals, even progressive portals, you will not see paid ads here. We don’t have funding or any sponsorship from big capitalists. This is because there is a complete incompatibility between us and them – they are our enemies.

We are fully committed to protect the interests of the workers, the poor and the oppressed. We are a class newspaper, open and free, and we want to keep it that way. We work day and night so that DCO grows, develops and is read by the widest masses of the population. Freedom from the capitalist class is a prerequisite for the success of this enterprise. But there is also financial help for those who understand the need of red, revolutionary and working class press.

If ever there was a time to contribute to a DCO, it is now. Any contribution, big or small, makes a big difference. Support DCO with values ​​from R$ 20.00. Thank you.

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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