iPhone 6s, 6s Plus and SE won’t get iOS 16

iPhone 6s, 6s Plus and SE won’t get iOS 16

Apple recently released iOS 15.2, but now the company is preparing to release iOS 16. The company is planning to release iOS 16, but older phones will not support iOS 16.

In addition to iOS 16, iPadOS 16 is also under development. iPadOS 16 will no longer support iPad mini 4, iPad Air 2, 5th generation iPad, and 2015 iPad Pro models.

Earlier it was reported that the iPhone SE and iPhone 6s will not be able to update to iOS 15. However, the update was later released for all devices running iOS 14.

Until Apple announces that it will stop support for the iPhone 6, iPhone 6s and other older iPhones, the information revealed by iPhonesoft should be treated with salt.

iPhonesoft’s report also mentions that iOS 16 will require an A10 chipset to run its system. If we follow this logic, iPhone 6, 6s and first generation iPhone SE will not support iOS 16 as they work on iOS9.

Earlier, Apple released iOS 15 for phones ranging from the iPhone 12 released in 2020 to the iPhone 6s in 2015. The first generation iPhone SE, released in March 2016, also had the update.

It was interesting to see Apple release the latest software update for the iPhone 6 as it stopped releasing updates for the iPhone 5s after five years. However, some key features of iOS 15 were missing from the iPhone 6 and other phones.

Apple recently released iOS 15.2 update. With the new update, Apple has introduced a slew of features to iMessage including communication security, support for Apple Music, and more. It is also important that people update to iOS 15.2 as it comes with important bug fixes and security updates for your iPhone.

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About the author: Raven Weber

Musicaholic. Unapologetic alcohol maven. Social media expert. Award-winning coffee evangelist. Typical thinker.

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