king of spies | Netflix Announces Nova Headquarters De Marc Millar

king of spies |  Netflix Announces Nova Headquarters De Marc Millar

a Netflix Release announced today (12) king of spiesA new comic written by Mark Millaro, known for his work in kick ass, which was adapted into a eponymous film directed by Matthew Vaughn. Miller recently signed a contract with Munch that led to the adaptation of one of his series of comics, Jupiter’s Legacy.

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According to the official summary, king of spies Will follow the story of Sir Rowland King, a man who was once the greatest secret agent in the UK. After receiving a diagnosis of a brain tumor, King decides to retire. With only six months to live, the former secret agent decides to embark on a mission to hunt down figures who were out of his reach while working for the government.

Miller will write the story for Netflix’s original intellectual property comic, which will be designed by a chosen artist in the comic book community based on a design by the platform team.

There is no official release date for the graphic novel yet.

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About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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