‘Life After Death’ series suspects lovers of the supernatural

‘Life After Death’ series suspects lovers of the supernatural

Life after death of netflix

If you’re the type who scans the Internet for paranormal stories, circles up groups about ghosts or extroverts and loves a horror movie, congratulations, you’re on the new Netflix series, “Life After Death” Is the intended audience for.
And, if you get carried away by all these topics, and you get a cold to think about letting go of doubt, congratulations again, because you too are the right audience for the series.
In the original title, based on the anonymous book by American journalist Leslie Keane – “Surviving Death”, the series of six chapters, which the platform has recently launched, addresses the world of the dead in all likelihood. However, it never deviates from its thread – what exactly happens when the body stops working?
And immediately this review already deletes its biggest spoiler, suggesting that no, the series does not provide a solid answer. But this does not mean that the viewer will leave the experience with the same belief that he or she entered – depending on his or her nature, it may be that his or her view of postmortem changes.
Perhaps due to the desire of those who believe that those who believe and who reject the subject, the direction of “Life After Death” – signed by Ricky Stern and Jessie Sweet – was chosen to bring in the opening episode , Who were declared dead by patients for a brief period.
Following a kayak accident, for example, a woman suffers multiple injuries and reportedly dies.
Something similar happens with a mother who dies for about a minute even during childbirth – in this case, the amazing thing is that she finds out that she had predicted what would happen throughout the pregnancy and her husband And was maligned by doctors.
However, this option to talk about the route from now on is risky, as it not only survives the supernatural, but gives the documentary series much more healing than the curious atmosphere. And while the public should be looking for evidence (particularly skepticism), the evidence they seek has more to do with ectoplasm than operating theaters.
For those who survive this first trial, with a pardon of punishment, see the reward of five episodes entirely in another world. Two of them – at best – illustrate and examine the work of mediums, people who claim to be able to establish communication with spirits. The series loses its rhythm at the very end when dealing with rebirth. While it brings interesting stories, those boys who have a complete memory like their previous lives, the handling of the script undermines the great wealth of these characters’ presence.
A poignant encounter between the boys and the actor’s family – and duly filmed that he claims to be in the past is the most embarrassing passage in production. Exposed, and while trying to justify himself in front of a suspicious relative, the teenager apologizes for not remembering some of the details that followed. Unnecessary for all.

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life after death
Where: Available on Netflix
Classification: 18 years
Production: United States, 2021
Direction: Ricky Stern and Jessie Sweet
Rating: Very Good

About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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