Motorcycle dealership becomes vaccination center in UK – 01/27/2021

Motorcycle dealership becomes vaccination center in UK – 01/27/2021

The Kovid-19 epidemic turned the world upside down and caused damage to various sectors of society apart from death and health concerns. But it is usually in those hours that the best of human appears.

A good example comes from the United Kingdom, the first country to introduce vaccination against the new coronavirus. Opened as a motorcycle dealer in 1920 and authorized by Honda since 1962, the dealership in the city of Crewe near Manchester, England became a vaccination center for the local population.

Taking advantage of the winter in the Northern Hemisphere, in early January, to renovate the dealership, Craig Morris, general manager of the Crewe Honda Center, was advised by a pharmacist who works in front of the store to look into the possibility of replacing the place To know about it. – Comprehensive and huge – in a vaccination center in the city.

“I said,” Roger revealed, “I wasn’t even hesitant.” Someone from the National Health Service (NHS) came and asked me if they could rent the building, so I refused and said I would donate the building as long as needed. “Morris in a Facebook post.

Last weekend, more than 200 people were vaccinated at Honda dealership showrooms

Image: Reproduction

Along with the motorcycle free space, the renovation team left to convert the store into a vaccination center, which opened its doors last Saturday, January 23. Since then, more than 200 people have been vaccinated at Honda dealerships. “I hope this small gesture will help the local community in the fight against the epidemic,” Morris concluded.

When the Honda dealership reopens, there are plans to offer motorcycle sales and services on one side of the building and continue vaccinations against the Kovid-19 on the other. Rai, a pharmacist of Indian origin, is coordinating vaccination with the NHSPrunus in the kingdom Joint.

In Another Facebook post, Morris thanks and leaves a lesson: “Thanks to everyone who has done this, it’s not easy, but it’s amazing what can happen when everyone comes together”.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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