Netflix wants executive for gaming expansion, source says

Netflix wants executive for gaming expansion, source says


MA One hundred people are monitored to prevent the transmission of Indian-type coronaviruses in the

RECIFE, PE (FOLHAPRESS) – To prevent local transmission of Sars-CoV-2, the Indian version of the coronavirus in Brazil, found in Maranho on Thursday (20), 100 people who were in contact or in the same environment were infected Is being monitored. The trials began this Friday (21). Version B.1.617 has been confirmed in six samples collected from ZHI MV Shandong crew members with the Hong Kong flag anchored on the high seas off the coast of Sao Luis since 7 May. Most tests are for people who work in a hospital where one of the ship’s crew members is hospitalized, with tests being monitored by Anovisa (National Health Monitoring Agency) in São Luís. So far, the state’s health department has not reported the results of the test. Maranho Governor Flavio Dino (PC do B) said on Friday that there is no local transmission of the disease. He also said that three ports in Maranho will not be closed. “Let’s imagine it was possible [fechamento dos portos], For example, even if there is no gas. Still, the state has no legal capacity for such an extreme measure, “he posted on the social network. In a press conference, the governor said that the state of Maranho is taking necessary care.” This tension [variante] In many countries, including Brazil’s neighbors. Given the lack of sanitation controls that our country has been facing for a year and three months, stress is most likely, but, in the case of an Indian crew member, we are taking appropriate action ”, he said . The crew members are under house arrest in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) of a private hospital in Sao Luis since last Saturday (15.). They were to be transported by helicopter from the ship to the health unit. According to information received from the state government, 15 crew members tested positive for Kovid-19, and 9, negative diagnosis. All six samples with high viral loads sent for genomic sequencing to the Avandro Chagas Institute in Para showed positive results for the underline B.1.617.2, one of the three graphs of the Indian version. Isolated, isolated in separate cabins inside the ship. The state Health Department said that two of them have mild symptoms and 12 are asymptomatic. October 2020, but by early April, it accounted for about 24% of the virus’s sequenced samples in India. On 24 April, it was predominant and represented more than 80% of the samples analyzed.

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About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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