No Rest with Frank Gastombide in the top 10 out of 74 countries! movie news

No Rest with Frank Gastombide in the top 10 out of 74 countries!  movie news

Frank Gastombide’s thriller released less than a week ago on Netflix and is already a huge hit, offering itself the luxury of breaking into the top 10 platforms in no less than 74 countries.

Frank Gastambidi is internationally popular! He did his series Validé a few months ago. was happy with the rights of HBO. bought by For distribution in the United States, he can now claim to have seen one of his films shown in The Atlantic.

according to this netflix infoThriller No Rest, which released on February 25, featuring Taxi 5 actors and directors in almost every plan, was part of the top 10 films seen on the stage between February 21 and 27 in 74 countries, including the United States, Mexico. Germany, Norway and Egypt South Africa, Turkey and Vietnam.

In other countries such as France, but also in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Greece, Poland and Luxembourg, Thriller rose to the top of the rankings. No wonder it was the most-watched feature film on Netflix last week (excluding English films) with 19,810,000 hours of views.

This is not the first time that a French action film has been successful abroad, this was also the case for Ballet Perdue (whose sequel is coming soon), the Bronx and La Terre et le Song. asked by tv bfm On these international victories, Frank Gastampide said:

Netflix caters to the part of French cinema that is struggling to survive in theaters and has become a smaller Netflix phenomenon. It was best to work tirelessly at Netflix for an audience that loves this kind of cinema.

Recalling that in this film directed by Regis Blondeau, a former technician plays a police lieutenant targeted by a corruption investigation, the victim of a blackmailer after accidentally killing a man…

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Our interview with Frank Gastombide on the sidelines of the release of Sans Répité:

About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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