‘Nomadland’ and the call of nature – travel

‘Nomadland’ and the call of nature – travel

Competitor of Oscar Next sunday, movie Itinerant Tells the story of a woman who decides to live in a van, constantly changing her address. On the way to the western United States, she meets other people who, like her, adopt a nomadic lifestyle.

At the beginning of the film, one of these temporary neighbors gives the novice an important tip: to be nomadic, you need to know how to deal with your prey. Yes, reader, reader, this is a somewhat disgusting text.

Itinerant It reminded me that keeping a family in a home vehicle and hitting the road to take in the natural landscape is a dream of my tourist consumption. motor home, Do you know? They at the same time serve as a means of accommodation and transportation. They have a kitchen, a bed and of course, a bathroom. Which includes toilets and, therefore, sewage reservoirs. And the sewage reservoir needs to be emptied by those who rent motorhomes. Stress, isn’t it? I guess.

I went to ask those who know how this process is the least unpleasant to deal with waste works. Francisco Zaleski de Matos, from Motorhome Trips, rents these types of vehicles in Brazil and abroad and helps with those traveling. In addition, he travels by motorhome with his 7-year-old daughter, Olivia. Francisco says most customers have questions about the sewer box. Which, in fact, are two: for “gray water”, from the shower to the kitchen sink. And another one for “black water” from the toilet.

In the United States, motorhomes use a mango tree that dumps garbage installed in campgrounds and parks. The pit can be used free or charged, with a cost of up to US $ 10.

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European motorhomes use a system that Francisco considers to be the right solution: a box of about 20 liters, which is usually enough for two people for up to three days. The container has an efficient seal, does not allow bad odor to escape and can be emptied into any toilet, even at the gas station on the road. And it costs a lot: importing one of these costs around R $ 10,000.

On Brazilian roads, the infrastructure for motorhomes is growing rapidly, but until recently it was rare. For this reason, domestic vehicles plying here have sewage boxes of up to 100 liters, which store up to a week’s worth of material.

Such an adventure, in a motorhome, is a travel option without heaps and very little social interaction. Great, therefore, when traveling is a little less risky. And then, like Nomadland’s character, we have to learn as a family, to deal with the consequences of the call of nature.

About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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