Oxford vaccines imported from India were distributed by Fiocruz. National newspaper

Oxford vaccines imported from India were distributed by Fiocruz.  National newspaper

2 million Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccines imported from India by Fiocruz began to be delivered on Saturday (23). The vaccine was first vaccinated by three doctors working to combat Kovid-19.

Water jets celebrated an important arrival on the airport runway. The aircraft landed at Gello Air Base at 10am, carrying 2 million doses of the Oxford / AstraZeneca vaccine. The shipment, which arrived from Mumbai, India, arrived in Sao Paulo before a commercial flight.

Zee Gottinha, the symbol character of the vaccination campaigns, attended the reception. The Minister of Health, Eduardo Pazuelo, emphasized the importance of SUS, FiroCruz and the need for vaccine production in Brazil.

“These 2 million doses are just the beginning. This is the beginning of the process. We are in talks to get more doses now in early February, and the IFA for fructose requires that 15 million doses be started to be produced per month . ” The country needs national production. Therefore, vibrate with our country, vibrate with our integrated health system. Trust me: We are going to win this war ”, he said.

The emergency use of these dosages was approved by Avisa last Sunday. The vaccines were developed by the University of Oxford and the AstraZeneca laboratory and manufactured at the Serum Institute in India. After an uncertainty in the dates and charges of negotiations by the Ministry of External Affairs, Brazil arrived almost a week late.

From the airport, all doses went to the Biomunginhos Institute laboratory. Technicians at Fuchruz worked from the start of dawn until late in the afternoon of this Saturday (23), the final stage of vaccine revision, before being released to the Ministry of Health.

The first task is to control the quality of vaccines and to check the temperature. This review is necessary to find out if the vaccines have stopped the long journey from India to Brazil. All bottles were labeled with instructions in Portuguese.

Before 3 pm, the vaccines started at a logistics center in the Ministry of Health in Rio, from where they would be distributed throughout the country.

The 185 thousand dose destined for Rio did not even leave the state. They are already in the government’s distribution center in Nitroi. Fiocruz has already implemented the first dose for health professionals.

Estevum portella was the first infectious disease to receive the Oxford vaccine in Brazil: “Difficult for people even today. This is a very exciting moment. We understand that this is an important point in our entire copycat process”.

Shortly thereafter, pneumologist Margaret Dolcomo took the time: “This is a day of hope, a day of conveying positive messages, a day of trust in Brazilian public institutions. From both Fandaco Oswaldo Cruz and Instituto Butan, without doubt. And We will arrive. Celebrate the day, when we manage to reach coverage of at least 70% of the Brazilian population with vaccination against Kovid-19.

The next step is the production of the vaccine by Fitchroos, with inputs from China. This Saturday, the president of the organization said that if the raw material is delayed, the newly prepared dose can be negotiated. “We are in this process of negotiation, with a view to getting the dose ready to reinforce the moment and we, too, can continue this pressure for the release of IFA, which is very important”, Nisia explains of the triple .

All so that the trucks carrying hope do not stop back and forth.

The first truck carrying the first part of the vaccine dose entered Gallo Air Base and drove directly to the airport runway. At some point another truck should arrive. From there, it will fly to all states of the country, with the exception of the federal district, Rio de Janeiro, as the state government is already with the dose.

The first flight departed towards Ceará at 9 o’clock at night, taking 72,500 doses, and should land at Fortaleza shortly after 10 o’clock. The next scheduled flight is to Amazon and will take 132,500 doses. As of this Sunday (24), more than 20 flights leave the place of taking the vaccine.

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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