Parn strengthens ties with UK for partnership in education and environment

Parn strengthens ties with UK for partnership in education and environment

Camilla Tonet / Deputy Governor

Paran’s main projects in the areas of education, higher education and sustainable development were presented to representatives of the United Kingdom in Brazil this Tuesday (6). The virtual meeting, chaired by Deputy Governor Darcy Piana, aims to bring the two governments together to develop potential future partnerships in strategic areas.

The initiative is part of bringing the United Kingdom closer to Brazilian states that do not have a consulate. Initially, Paran, Par and Bahia were chosen as priority. The meeting marked the beginning of a close relationship, through the diagnosis of which points of convergence could generate cooperation.

“This effort is part of an initiative by the British government to generate greater impact from its projects in other Brazilian states. Our goal is to have a better understanding of the states and to establish closer ties with each of them, identifying areas in which We can build partnerships and work together, explained Lisa Weeden, Britain’s Consul General in So Paulo and Paran’s special envoy.

The deputy governor said the state has always had good relations with Britain, and that the new relationship would benefit both sides. Last week, he recalled, there was a virtual technical mission between Paran through the Araucaria Foundation and British scientists to structure new partnerships in the education, innovation and research sectors focused on health.

“We want to bring technology and integrate the best they have into partnerships with our state universities and our Department of Education to help. This is fundamental to our growth, he explained.

The Interim Consul pointed out that the British government has acted in Brazil with five basic priorities, which serve as a guide to guide future actions. They are: encouraging ambitious climate commitments, reducing economic barriers, developing science, improving public safety, and ensuring an open society by reinforcing democratic values ​​and reducing inequality.

“Paran’s results are very impressive, especially in the areas of education and the environment, and I am very excited to be working together. I think we have a lot to contribute,” Weeden said.

atmosphere The deputy governor recalled that good relations between governments also help demonstrate Paran’s stability to the world, as the United Kingdom will host the next United Nations conference on climate change, COP26. The event will take place in Glasgow, Scotland in November.

“The next climate meeting will take place in the United Kingdom and it is essential that we be able to show what Paren does: produce sustainable food. We need to sell this image, which Europeans usually have about our country. is different from the image narrated by. We need to be consistent and explain there. That’s it, here, we produce, but we preserve it, Piana said.

Commerce embassy In addition to the embassy (in Brasilia), the United Kingdom has four consulates, located in So Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Recife. There are honorary consulates in other regions such as Campinas, Curitiba, Florianapolis, Porto Alegre and Manaus.

dams The meeting was attended by the Secretary of State for Education, Renato Fedor; Secretary of State for Sustainable Development and Tourism, Mrcio Nunes; Adviser to the Information and International Relations Division of SETI (General Superintendence of Science, Technology and Higher Education), Luis Mascarenhas; General Superintendent of Partnerships in Paran, Gide Eduardo Perrin Meneguet; Honorary UK Consul in Curitiba, Adam Patterson; and Regional Engagement Officers at Paran, Larissa Vazquez and Livia Besso.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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