Tremoco The second installment, the long-awaited second half of the five episodes of the French Netflix series, is to be released worldwide on 11 June. The film also includes a new trailer captured after the end of the first moment of suffering, which sees Asan Diop de Omar See become “Most Wanted Man in France” (see above).
Sy plays Dio based on the famous honor thief and master of disguise, Arsene Lupine. Dope’s quest for revenge against Hubert Pellegrini (Hervé Pierre) has broken his family and now, with his back against the wall, he must come up with a new plan, even if it means endangering himself. You have to put it.
Although Netflix did not reveal the actual audience for this TremocoIn the first half of the year, the service was a huge success and it is expected to be considered by 70 million households. C told me in March that he was surprised by the global success. “That level of response is beyond me,” he said. “It’s good to see in Brazil or France that you liked Tremoco For this reason. There is something universal and something that I always try to achieve. “
The French original was produced by George by Gaumont Television (British criminal killed Eve(In collaboration with François Ozan)Family matterIt is a contemporary adaptation of the novels of the French writer Maurice Leblanc, who created the character in 1905. The books have been adapted into dozens of TV series and films over the years, but not to that kind of universal recognition.
The first and second episodes were directed by Lugovic Bernard with Hugo Gillin for the next three. Also starring are Nicole Garcia, Clotilde Hesme, Ludivine Sagnier, Antoine Joy, Sherin Boutella and Sophia Zarab.