Replay: See the Baron River candidate in the election debate

Replay: See the Baron River candidate in the election debate

Watch Sky News co-produce a live debate on the Baron River candidates’ heads.

Peter Gleason will lead the virtual debate that you can watch this afternoon.

Peter Gleason will moderate the Baron River debate today.

The website will conduct online debates for the Cook (Tuesday, October 13, 6.30 pm) and Cairns (Monday, October 19, 6.30 pm) seats, as well as other seats in this election.

Candidates can send their questions to [email protected]

Here are all the Baron River candidates – although only Labor’s Craig Crawford and LNP’s Linda Cooper will take part in today’s debate.

Craig Crawford, A.L.P.

Crane Crawford, MP for the Baron River.  Picture: Supplied

Crane Crawford, MP for the Baron River. Picture: Supplied

A Labor meeting member for Baron River has been in office since 2015 when he replaced Michael Trout of the LNP.

He took over the seat in 2017 and has reached out to the Minister of Emergency Services and the Minister for Tribal and Torres Strait Island Partnership.

Roads are at the top of the former paramedical campaign and right in front of the 16 164 million Smithfield Bypass project.

He dismissed speculators’ concerns as a good opportunity to “double your money” in support of him, but said the election would actually begin on Monday.

“The postal vote could be open until next weekend, after which the pre-poll could be open,” he said.

Mr Crawford said his campaign focused on rebuilding Queensland after Covid 19, with money on roads, schools, hospitals and government buildings.

He agreed that the Smithfield bypass was not a cure.

“Of course, this is going to exacerbate the problem, because the roads across the line are not built properly,” he said.

He said that if re-elected, he would continue to push for the upgrading of Captain Cook Howie, Cairns Western Arterial RD and Kurunda Range.

Linda Cooper, LNP

Baron River LNP candidate for Linda Cooper.  Picture: Brendan Radke

Baron River LNP candidate for Linda Cooper. Picture: Brendan Radke

The former Cairns regional councilor has a strong record when it comes to providing for the poor.

She could have been an obstacle to continuing her job as a councilor but decided not to run in the last election so that if she won she could run against Craig Crawford without being forced into a by-election.

Ms Cooper said the main goal would be to fix Cairns Western Arterial RD if elected.

“People need a change of representatives, so I’m running,” he said. I firmly believe at every level of government that the elected people are there to support us at the grassroots level. ”

Numbers always tell a story, and Ms. Cooper said the numbers on the Baron River weren’t good.

“Look at what has been spent per capita here compared to anywhere else in the state,” he said.

“We are sitting at 16 16,000 per person, Townsville at 22,000 and Toumba at 28 28,000.

“The far north is completely forgotten.”

She said if she did not win the election, her advocacy for the far north would not stop.

“I think it’s my strength, regardless of whether I fight for the region.”

Aaron McDonald, Greens

Green candidate Aaron MacDonald for Baron River.  Picture: Supplied

Green candidate Aaron MacDonald for Baron River. Picture: Supplied

His job is spent on rooftops installing solar power, but the Greens candidate for the Baron River has some political campaign experience.

He ran for Cairns in the 2017 state election and managed to get 8.06 percent of the vote.

The Baron River is generally the Greens’ best seat in the far north – so Mr McDonald’s preferred flow could be Kingmaker even if he doesn’t cross the final line first.

Behind him is a strong team of volunteers who appear to be much less than some of the old hands flaunting for the major parties.

Mr McDonald said he wanted the region to become a renewable energy supplier, providing thousands of jobs to locals in construction, construction and operation.

He said it was all about “bringing profits back to the people.”

“Like most locals, I have a deep appreciation for the splendor that surrounds this small piece of our paradise. Not only because of its natural wonder, but also because our economy depends on it,” he said.

Jenny Bra .N, Steam

United Australia Party candidate for Baron River is Jenny Bray Brown.  Picture: Supplied

United Australia’s candidate for the Baron River is Jenny Bray Brown. Picture: Supplied

Any sacrifice to count the United Australia Party’s candidate for the Baron River seems a little more than a lamb.

He has no contact details on the UAP website except for an email and the party did not respond to attempts to contact Ms. Braun.

It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

A woman with the same name and head shot appeared on the ballot for Morton’s seat in southeastern Queensland in the 2019 federal election, receiving only 2.2 per cent of the vote.

A phone call to a phone number belonging to Mrs. Braun before the last election was answered Friday by a man who works for a garbage company and laughed before saying he had a Jenny Braun. Don’t know

Subsequent phone calls were diverted directly to the message bank.

The United Australia Party has not responded to Cairns Post’s attempt to determine who Ms Braun is and if she has any connection to the Baron River.

United Australia did not run in the 2017 state elections on the Baron River.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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