SIC Notícias | Hurricane Darcy. UK records lowest temperature in 10 years

SIC Notícias |  Hurricane Darcy.  UK records lowest temperature in 10 years

Hurricane Darcy, which is hovering over most of Central Europe, is expected to continue with minimal snow and freezing by the end of the week. Meteorologists have warned that temperatures in many countries will remain below zero degrees.

The UK recorded the lowest temperature in the last decade on Tuesday, reaching nearly 17 degrees below zero in the Scottish Highlands. It was the coldest week after December 2010.

Authorities have issued warnings for all areas, and civil defense services are asking the population to follow imprisonment rules and avoid leaving home.

In Belgium, where the country’s bad weather is also greatly affected, one of the biggest concerns is with the homeless. Many are able to spend the night in reception centers where they can bathe, eat and sleep rather than outside.

In the Netherlands, the thermometer reached minus 15 degrees in the east of the country, which is under the biggest snowfall of the decade. Meteorologists say the Darcy storm will continue at least until the end of the week.

Although it causes a lot of problems and forces roads and rail links to be cut and flights canceled, some are happy with the weather.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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