The body of Goan, who died trying to enter the United States illegally, is buried in São Luís de Montes Bellos. go

The body of Goan, who died trying to enter the United States illegally, is buried in São Luís de Montes Bellos.  go

The family of business administrator Diogo Fernandes de Oliveira, 36, who fell from a wall trying to enter the United States illegally across the border with Mexico, west of Sao Luis de Montes Bellos on Sunday (7) Buried his body in. Goes

According to a relative, who could not be identified, the family managed to say goodbye to the administrator while he was awake.

“We are more relieved to know that Diogo is now resting peacefully,” the family member said.

Goyano, born in São Luís de Montes Bellos, died on December 7, wanting to fulfill his dream of living in the United States and helping his family, especially his family at the age of 56 and 60 Wanted to do.

After the death was confirmed, his body was examined by US police and later stopped at a funeral home in El Paso, Texas, waiting for the body to be released. There was about two months between death and burial.

According to the family, he had already entered American territory on the border between the state of Mexico and Texas, when the accident occurred.

According to a relative, Diogo became unbalanced when he used a rope to go down the 4-meter-high wall. Except when he fell and smashed the basin, hit his head on the floor.

Diago Fernandes’ body was autopsied in the United States and a coroner identified the cause of death, according to a relative.

Diogo Fernandes’ last call was to his father, 60 years old. They spoke on December 7, a few hours before the crossing.

“Dad, I’m going to cross tonight, so we’ll talk. Kiss” Diogo said, and so goodbye to that night in the family.

The family next received contact from the Brazilian consulate in Mexico on Saturday morning (12), with news of the death.

Diogo’s relative said that after the business administrator became aware of what happened, he flew to Goyenia, São Luís de Montes Bellos, where he lives, to inform the victim’s parents about the accident.

Between 2017 and 2019, Diogo Fernandes tried to obtain a visa three times, but was unsuccessful. He worked as a store manager in a mall in Goineya, which closed due to a coronovirus epidemic. Unemployed and with a life-changing dream, he hired someone to help him cross and bought tickets to Cancun, Mexico.

“There, the coyote whom he hired waited to take him to a reserve where a group would wait for the moment of crossing”, the relative’s description.

The relative said Diogo planned the trip when he was unemployed. The family says they have no idea about who the coyote was.

Diogo Fernandes de Oliveira, killed while trying to cross the United States border illegally – Sao Luis de Montes Bellos, Goise – Photo: Reproduction / Instagram

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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