The film tells the story of Bernie Madoff, the creator of the largest financial pyramid, who died in prison – Culture

The film tells the story of Bernie Madoff, the creator of the largest financial pyramid, who died in prison – Culture

The magician of lies, movie Tells the story of Bernie Madoff, Investor and financial advisor – and the creator of The largest financial pyramid in historyKnown as the Ponzi scheme – debuted in 2017 and is playing on HBO. Bernie Madoff died at the age of 82, This Wednesday, 14, in a federal prison in the United States.

Together Robert De Niro No paper of Bernie Madoff, The magician of lies ()The magician of lies) Explains how investing in the pyramid scheme – his fraud, lies and deception – worked out and how his wife and children were pulled into the focus of the scandal.

Is produced by Hbo films And there is also an actress in the cast Michelle Pfeiffer, Who plays Bernie Madoff’s wife Ruth Madoff and an unwitting partner in the events that led to the bankruptcy of hundreds of institutions and people, as well as the destruction of Bernie Madoff and his family.

The film is based on the book The Wizard of Lies: Bernard Madoff and the Story of the Greatest Financial Fraud of All Time. Diana B. Henriques’ work was published in Brazil, in 2017, by Record, in the wake of the HBO film. The book was based on more than 100 interviews, including the first with Madoff since his arrest.

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About the author: Will Smith

"Lifelong social media lover. Falls down a lot. Creator. Devoted food aficionado. Explorer. Typical troublemaker."

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