the channel TMS Anime Latino No youtube Today (21) anime saga started adding metarex of sound x, The channel offers all the previous episodes with dubbing. Watch it below:
These episodes are now considered “rare” in Brazil as an extinct channel. jetix didn’t show the whole story and globe Confined the end to the transmission in the dish. They are also rare in Japan, as local TV initially only aired the first 52 episodes. saga metarex (beginning in episode 53) would have been “commissioned” by the United States, where sonic x Its performance in terms of audience was much better than its country. These episodes only aired on Japanese TV from January 2020 (probably picking up steam in the Sonic movie)!
In the West, the extinct American company 4 Kids Was responsible for editing (the version shown here to date). The series premiered on Jetix in 2004, reaching Globo in 2007. In 2009, Editora Online published the series in Brazil. sonix x in comics, based on the anime featuring original material published in the United States by Archie Comics. Outside, the publication had 40 volumes, but around here it did not exceed number 5.
even when sonic x Aired on pay TV, Spot Films released 4 DVDs in Brazil with 12 episodes, which were later reissued by other “obscure” labels, until it received another release by Focus Films in 2016. Didn’t – and began to facilitate its services on demand.
Also available on series Netflix, prime video, globeplay I See, Also on prime video face metarex,
thank you reader James Henry for the tip.
Source: TMS Anime Latino