Trump appoints lawyers for US Senate impeachment trial. world

Trump appoints lawyers for US Senate impeachment trial.  world

Former United States President Donald Trump announced the names of two lawyers on Sunday (31), who will defend themselves during the hearing. Impeachment in senate – He named David Scone and Bruce Kester, who said, in a note, to be “honored” with the work.

The announcement was made after Trump Breaking ties with other lawyers Who will act during the trial of the senators starting February 8. According to Reuters, The former president disagreed with professionals about the strategy being presented to MPs, Which will act as gamblers in the process.

Trump will be tried by senators next week on charges of inciting militants, before extremists attacked the US Capitol on 6 January.

On that day, congressmen certified President Joe Biden’s victory in the November elections, the final procedural step before his inauguration. The attack killed five people and the House passed a impeachment process that would be voted on in February only after Trump left the White House.

However, the former president is unlikely to be convicted – a move that would have a more symbolic effect, since ultimately, Trump has already stepped down. This is because 67 votes out of 100 senators will be required for impeachment. And came very close to accepting a motion for suspension of the process, which had 55 votes and 45 in favor.

Pro-Trump committee raised more than $ 30 million

President Donald Trump gestures to supporters for his Mar-a-Lago resort in West Palm Beach, Florida on Wednesday (20) – Photo: Lynn Slady / AP

Trump team that was trying to reverse the election resultsRaised US $ 30.9 million According to the documents revealed on Sunday between November to December. According to Reuters, the figure reflects the former president’s influence in the Republican Party.

Since the agencies designed Biden as the winner of the election on 7 November, Trump has started a crusade to try in court, to reverse the defeat. Republicans claimed there were frauds and irregularities, but auditors and judges rejected the thesis.

Trump only admitted that after Capden’s invasion, Biden would take over after a session confirming the new president’s victory.

Video: US Capitol Invasion

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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