UFLA by Lavras – Gerais. Identified variants of COVID-19 from Manaus and the United Kingdom

UFLA by Lavras – Gerais.  Identified variants of COVID-19 from Manaus and the United Kingdom
Uphla confirmed four variants of Kovid-19 in the region (Photo: Uphla / Divulgo)

New form of COVID-19 Was confirmed in Microcosm From Lavrasi, South of Minas. Study by Labkovid, From the Federal University of Lavras (Ufla), Variants of Manaus, United Kingdom and two others identified in the country were found.

According to physician Jose Cherem, 19 samples from the microclimate of Lavras, which cover 10 cities, were collected by Labkovid and sequenced by the Laboratory of Microbiology Ecology and Bioinformatics of the Microbiology Region in Ufla.

“We found four variants, such as: B.1.1.4, from the United Kingdom; P.1 from Manaus; P.2 from Rio de Janeiro; and B.1.1.28, the Brazilian version”, he explains.

Of these four types, the United Kingdom and Manaus have a high degree of communicability and are considered as forms of meditation by the World Health Organization (WHO).

“Brazil still does little testing of variants, about 0.04%. Significant identification in epidemiological investigation of COVID-19, In the possibility of Sars-CoV-2 infectiousness, helping in a very important way the formulation of public policies to counter the epidemic ”, he warned.

Genomic study of these variants was sent to the Secretary of State for Health of Minas Gerais (SES-MG). “We have an agenda in search of resources scheduled for early next month to expand research in Minas Gerais, with FBO Bacheretti, Secretary of State for Health, to be mediated by Deputy State Noraldino,” he says.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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