United Kingdom announces global radar to track pandemic risks – 5/21/2021

United Kingdom announces global radar to track pandemic risks – 5/21/2021
London, May 20 (EFE) – Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday announced the creation of a global pandemic radar to identify types of coronovirus and other emerging pathogens, a project that together with the World Health Organization (WHO) Will be started And other nations.

Prior to the WHO World Health Summit in Rome scheduled for this Friday, Johnson spoke with the organization’s director general, Tedros Adnom Ghebayeus, to discuss the next steps to deal with the Kovid-19 epidemic. This information was released in an official statement by Downing Street, the official office of the head of the British government.

The WHO, in collaboration with the Wellcome Trust and other international partners, will coordinate the program to “identify, map and share data on new forms of coronovirus and monitor vaccine resistance in populations”, the note highlighted.

Johnson said, “The world should never be surprised again by viruses spreading out of control among us. We need to build a 21st-century disease surveillance system that allows real-time data sharing, rapid genetic sequencing and response gives.”

He said that such a radar would identify emerging pathogens and facilitate rapid development of essential vaccines and treatments.

For his part, Tedros said that Kovid-19 is demonstrating the need for a robust and modern system to keep the world ahead of emerging diseases.

“The UK has set a strong example in the monitoring and sequencing of pathogens as well as the development of vaccines,” said the director general, who believed that in this way the British government would “cooperate with the WHO and strengthen global surveillance”.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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