US court orders return of Russian cargo

US court orders return of Russian cargo

The Boeing 747-8 cargo was returned to the lessor by a United States Court of Determination

A US judge authorized a Boeing 747-8 freighter (F) from Russian Airbridge Cargo, which was in Hong Kong (HKG), China, to return it to lessee BOC Aviation. As a result of international sanctions imposed on the company’s home country, the aircraft was unable to take off.

This resolution was fulfilled last Friday (25). The VQ-BFE registration aircraft, which had been in operation since November 2015, left HKG overnight and landed at San Bernardino (SBD), California, United States, in the late afternoon, Brasilia time.

Meanwhile, more than 400 planes leased by leasing companies in Russia have been grounded since the start of the fighting in Ukraine. They were supposed to be rolled back after the EU imposed sanctions against Vladimir Putin’s government, but this process was halted by recently enacted legislation, which practically transferred control of these entities to the state. Had given. He is valued at US$10 billion (R$47.6 billion).

The country remains connected by air only with Kremlin allies such as China, as well as allowing aircraft from these countries to cross its airspace freely.

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About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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