US cut half a million by Kovid, while worldwide vaccination accelerated

US cut half a million by Kovid, while worldwide vaccination accelerated

The United States on Monday surpassed 500 thousand deaths from coronovirus, while the pace of vaccination in the world offers a glimpse of hope, like England, preparing for a “prudent” suspension of imprisonment.

With gloomy landmarks in the United States, President Joe Biden would order the flag of federal government buildings to be flown at half-mast for five days, his spokesman Jane Saki announced.

The Democratic president planned to speak at the White House with Vice President Kamala Harris and her husband Doug Imhoff before his candle ceremony and a minute of silence with his wife Jill.

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Unlike his predecessor, Republican Donald Trump, who often sought to reduce the disease, Biden linked the epidemic to his priority. The President warned that the number of victims in the United States could exceed 600,000.

But there are signs of progress in the United States and the rest of the world to reverse the epidemic announced by the World Health Organization (WHO) in March 2020, a sharp decline in infection and a steady increase in vaccine delivery.

Normality in June?

In Britain, with more than 120,000 deaths, Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday said a “prudent” and “progressive” plan to evacuate England from imprisonment in early January, following an outburst of cases involving Varian coronovirus. Unveiled.

The return of students to schools is non-essential from 8 March and retailing from 12 April. It will be possible to watch sports on 17 May and other restrictions on social distance should be lifted on 21 June.

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In Germany, the schools reopened after two months of closure, despite fears of a third wave relating to the British version. Nevertheless, there is unlikely to be a clear expiration date for the risk of contagion from easily transmitted viruses. Biden’s chief health adviser, Anthony Fauci, recalled that Americans might have to wear masks by 2022.

Worldwide, the death toll is close to 2.5 million. The countries with the most deaths after the United States are Brazil (over 246,000), Mexico (over 180,000), India (around 156,000) and the United Kingdom (over 120,000).

India said to be patient

The United States announced its first death in February last year and surpassed the 100,000 mark just three months later, most notably during the first wave in New York.

But as its outbreak spread throughout the United States, the pace increased, while the number increased to 400,000 a month earlier after the holiday season was over.

Meanwhile, India is the second most affected country in the world in terms of infection, having crossed a bleak border by registering its 11 million cases.

New restrictions on meetings came into force in the western state of Maharashtra, Mumbai, the country’s financial capital, which has recorded nearly 52,000 deaths since the epidemic.

Serum Institute of India, the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer, asked countries waiting to be “patient” after the government prioritized domestic demand.

In the capital, New Delhi, vegetable seller Radhakrishna Negi echoed the sentiment of all mankind when he told AFP: “I am sick of coronovirus.”

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UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Monday that the epidemic is being used by some countries, which he did not mention, to “protest voices” and silence the media.

Vaccination in Paraguay

According to data from the United States Federal Health Monitoring Center, more than 63.1 million people in the United States have received authorized vaccines (Pfizer / BioNotech and Modern) so far, of which 18.8 million have already received two required doses Huh. Health.

Johnson & Johnson may have a third licensed vaccine by the end of the week in the United States, on which a committee is expected to issue an advisory opinion on Friday.

In Latin America, the second region of the world affected by the epidemic after Europe, Paraguay launched its vaccination plan with the Russian vaccine Sputnik V. “Today is a historic day,” said Health Minister Julio Mazoleni, who applied the first dose to nurse Mirian Arrúa at a hospital outside Asunción.

In the Gaza Strip, vaccination began after the 2007 shipment of approximately 20,000 doses of Sputnik V from the United Arab Emirates and Palestinian Authority into the West Bank, an area controlled by Hamas and blocked by Israel.

Australia also introduced vaccination amid suspicion of many. According to official data compiled by the Our World in Figures project from the University of Oxford, approximately 208.2 million doses have been applied worldwide.

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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