US Senate prepares Trump test to “incite rebellion”

US Senate prepares Trump test to “incite rebellion”

A year after the first political trial, former President Donald Trump will face a second Senate lawsuit from Tuesday, whose members must determine whether they instigated the Capitol attack that left five dead in January. 100 senators will also enter controversial and unexplained territory when they judge a president who is no longer in office.

Despite leaving the White House, Trump continues to turn to the Republican Party, but today he appears politically weak. At the end of next week’s proceedings, is the January 6 attack, Hundreds of Trump supporters attacked CongressConfronts the police and tries to block evidence of Joe Biden’s election victory.

The rebellion, which according to some Democratic congressmen was a coup attempt by domestic militants, was described as the biggest attack on American democracy since the 1860 civil war. The action surprised the members of Congress and the nation and the Democrats immediately began impeachment. Process against Trump, two weeks before the end of his term.

On January 13, the House of Representatives accused him of “instigating a rebellion”, making Trump the first US president to be subjected to political trial twice. No other commander in chief has been so maligned.

However, no President of the United States has been convicted in Congress of impeachment and this exception is unlikely. One of the main goals of Democrats advocating a political decision would be to ensure that Trump cannot hold an elective office in the future.

American television channels attacked Congress live. Some videos circulating on the internet showing participants in the Capitol invasion reiterate that Trump “wants us here”. Critics of the former president say they violated the oath by provoking their supporters to attack. Republicans and their allies argue that the test is unconstitutional because the Senate can condemn and dismiss an outgoing president, but not an ordinary citizen.

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This approach would allow the defense team and Republican senators to avoid the need to defend Trump’s tweets and diatribes in order of attack. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who brought together a team of nine Democrats to act as synergies for the political trial, says not to condemn the former president would harm American democracy. “We’ll see if this Senate is brave or cowardly,” Pelosi said on Thursday.

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More than two-thirds of senators are required to vote to condemn Trump, meaning that 17 Republicans would be required to vote with 50 Democrats, which is unlikely. But the former president has a lot to lose from the trial, which will be shown live. Although it holds a solid base of support, the mess has caused a sharp decline in its popularity, which is not good for a 74-year-old man who aims to run in the 2024 presidential elections.

In a pre-trial report, summarizing their arguments, Pelosi’s team of nine Democrats accused Trump of “making powder kegs, grabbing a match and then demanding personal gain from the resulting chaos.”

He himself indicated his intention to use a number of public statements, including his January 6 speech before the disturbances, to crowds of supporters near the White House and in which he asked people to show “strength”.

Trump said, “You won’t find our country weak” before asking protesters to fight hell. Defense attorneys prioritized two points: that the trial is “debatable” because Trump cannot be removed from a position he no longer has and the former president expresses skepticism about the outcome of the election as well as the expression Used his authority, as well as when he made a fiery speech of 6 January.

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The test parameters have not yet been established. Democrats have not announced what evidence they will use or the people they want to call as witnesses, for example the police who worked on Capitol Hill. But Trump’s invitation to the trial was rejected by the former president’s team.

According to the American press, Democrats do not consider the idea of ​​forcing Trump to be involved in the process. Republicans, divided over the party’s future orientation, do not wish to deepen their differences on the episode. Many Democrats intend to prioritize agreements with the opposition to approve President Gideon’s massive package to counter the Kovid-19 epidemic.

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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