Christine Quinn, 33, of Sunset – the Golden Mile, a reality show with one of the biggest repercussions on Netflix, welcomed her son, Christian, 4 months old, in May this year after a “terrible experience.” In an interview, he had said that his son was born prematurely. “I had a very painful delivery. My bag broke while we were filming. We both barely survived. So, I learned to be very grateful for life and for what I have,” she said, according to Sun.
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Sunset shows the life of high end real estate agents in Los Angeles, USA. Christine, one of the reality stars, revealed what happened on her social media profile after the episode aired the birth of the baby. “trauma relief” selling sunset One of the hardest things I ever went through was about my birth experience; Not to mention capturing those very cruel and personal moments of my life on camera. I don’t often be vulnerable in public, because I feel a responsibility on a brave face, even though I still feel desperate, fearful, and traumatized today. Baby Christian and I are both lucky to be alive,” he wrote.
She said that after the bag burst, she was already taken to the hospital with a 9 cm dilation. “Hyperventilating with excruciating pain, I was rushed to an emergency C-section because of an immediate drop in our heart rate. The baby’s umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. He was seconds away from failing,” she explained.
The model also said that doctors had to examine her “on an X-ray machine immediately after surgery” to make sure there were no “tools left” in her body, as they had the opportunity to examine them before stitching. did not have time. “I am so grateful to the doctors and surgeons who saved them both. I thank God every day for my blessings and my miraculous baby.” Christine told her followers to “always remember that life is too short and anger is a waste of perfect happiness. Put aside what you can and take the risk. Give it your all and have no regrets. Life is too short for that,” he concluded. .