Yoga Day Atibiya takes place on June 5 at the Convention Center

Yoga Day Atibiya takes place on June 5 at the Convention Center

At 8:30 a.m. on June 5, in the area of ​​the “Victor Brecheret” Convention and Events Center (Al. Lucas Nogueira Garcés, 511 – Parque das Aguas), Atibiya celebrates another edition of Yoga Day, an event that seeks to To spread the millennium Indian practice involving a holistic approach to health and wellness. With plenty of yoga practice for all ages, including families, the program also includes lectures, cultural presentations, Ayurveda and Indian dance workshops, among other attractions.

Yoga Day activities are free, just arrive with your yoga mat, towel or sarong to participate. But for anyone who wants to take advantage of the meeting to help the socially vulnerable families in the municipality, the social ticket for this edition is powdered milk. The collected donations will be transferred by the organizers to the Social Solidarity Fund. Apart from the free event, the convention center also hosts a vegetarian food court and a fair with Ayurvedic and Indian products and handcrafted ceramics.

With the support of the City Hall of Estancia de Atibia, the Consulate General of India and the Swami Vivekananda So Paulo Cultural Center, Yoga Day Atibia entered the city calendar in 2018, with the enactment of Law No. 4,641. The celebration refers to the International Day of Yoga, a date established by the United Nations (UN) and observed worldwide on 21 June.

This is the 5th edition of the event, which takes place again in person after two years online due to the pandemic. To see a sample of the coming Sunday of peace and harmony, Yoga Day Atibiya Channel on YouTube Provides exercises, lectures and activities for the 2020 and 2021 editions.

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Yoga Day Atibiya 2022 – June 5 – Convention Center Arena

8:30 am
Home – Reception | Teacher Ligia Padilha
Indian Classical Dance Odissi | andrea albergeria
official opening | Local Authorities and Consulate General of India
Tribute and lecture by famous Prof. Marcos Rojo | Contribution to the expansion of the Yoga tradition in Brazil
Play “Gandhi – A Servant Leader” | joao signarelli
Yoga practice for all – United Nations Protocol | Teacher Ligia Padilha

12:15 pm
lunch break

1:30 pm
Indian Classical Dance Kathak and Bollywood | Gyanshree Karahe
Yoga for children in the family | Stories from Yoga with Joao Soares and Rosa Muniz (TV Ra Tim Bum / TV Cultura)
Yoga, Ayurveda and Indian Mythology Workshops | Professors Leila Gasparo, Chris Silveira and Orlando Tallarico
Yoga, Odissi Indian Dance and Ayurveda Workshops | Professors Patricia Pinho, Danilo Aguiarre, Thais de Cassia and Andrea Albergeria
inner music | Anella and Raphael

5 pm
closing | Teacher Ligia Padilha

About the author: Cory Weinberg

"Student. Subtly charming organizer. Certified music advocate. Writer. Lifelong troublemaker. Twitter lover."

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